100k earners

The ranking is based on your post count. When you post more the ranking will change. This is similar to many other forums.

In our market man you can hit that easy. Head out to Hunts Pointe, Clyde Hill and Medina, or those posh streets near UW. Do good work, honor what you say and those people will pay whatever you ask for. Oh yea, a mistake I made for too many years was saying “no”.

If someone asks you to re-seal their concrete…“can do!” I am still kicking myself for this one (and always will), after our big holiday lighting push I am sitting on the couch relaxing for the first time in 2 months, my wealthiest client calls me and says he’ll pay 20-50k for me to clean the snow off his horse barn. I turned it down due to the 3 feet of snow on the ground. What the hell was I thinking…

You can hit 100k no problem man. Set the goal, hit the bastard and set a new goal!

Larry you are so funny to watch! You just lurk around for someone to say something a just a little off and then you pounce. :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

Don’t believe that! I have post almost a 1000 and they still won’t give me a squeegee. :mad: :smiley:

Yeah but you’re a special case.:smiley:

It’s like shooting fish in a barrel, and then they bring in another full barrel.

We could just reuse the barrel if you didn’t use a Howitzer though Larry.:smiley:

what happened to dejay’s squeegee?
I was so excited when I turned silver I had slice of pizza to celebrate…

Alex or Tony: I’d like to give my squeegee to DeJay, please. I’ll take a hogs hair brush.

Are you sure?:wink:

this is the year! Been at it 2 1/2 yrs and the goal is 100k for 2010. Great thread, we were just talking about this after work today

Yeah, what happened to it? Was it stolen or lost? Anyone know the truth?


This was my third year in business and i did a little over 90,000. I have one employee. I spent a lot this year improving my business: A van,a killer paint job for said van, an RO machine, a 75ft WFP, ran three adds at about 175 per month a piece, got some pimp ass shirts printed up, and a bunch of other stuff. I pay my employee $20 an hour and charge around $100 an hour for residential services. Also landed a nice commercial account this year that brought in $20,000.(charge about $250/hr for that). I took home about $40,000.

For me, growing the business has been driven less by numbers than it has by thinking about what I want out of life and then figuring out how my business can provide the $ and flexibility to do that. I like hanging out with my family and playing in my band better than working. My wife is able to stay home and we just bought a house this year, thats the real beauty of this business to me. So to answer your post, even for a rock and roll slacker type like me $100,000 a year is very possible. Just keep at it, and you don’t have to be a workaholic. And if you are a workaholic, your probably gonna make BANK!

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You made 90k and came home with 40k? Just clarifying…
And you were able to buy a house and keep your wife home with 40k?
I wish! Cali…nuff said.

How do u get $100 an hour? Maybe we could do that on repeat business if everything goes perfectly well. $250 an hour? Am I missing something here?

How many posts to upgrade from brass?

We have several jobs that are right around $100 an hour. Most of our jobs average between the $60 and $100. I can relate to the $250 as well. Every once in a while a job comes around, you bid it sort of high. Do the job and it turns out way over. But the customer is so satisfied there’s no reason to lower the price.

For yearly numbers my 2007 was right around 250k. Last year just under
200k. The economy has lost us a little chunk of monthly storefront.

How many guys are you employing?

Just one thru the winter.

One full time, a couple part timers and of course me as the flanker during the summer.