Adjusting prices in cheapo markets

Adapt or die Samuel. I don’t know your market or your customer base, but you are asking different questions.

Do I bargain with a homeowner who wants lower rates? Possibly, but usually not by much.

Would I lower my rates to reflect market rates? If I wasn’t closing enough jobs and struggling to survive - Absolutely. There is nothing sexy about charging high rates, but being home without work. Esp if the competition are all working steady while you’re not.

Maybe you need to lower your prices and work faster. Maybe not fixate on the per pane price and more on how much you make per hour. Personally, I’m 4ish per pane but average 80-100 per hour. I don’t run like my hair is on fire, but I am efficient and steady when on a job.

I’ve worked in several varied markets over the years. Some you can stick to your guns and survive. Others, that’s the fast track to bankruptcy. You have to decide which type of market you are in.