Android vs ios for business

What is your preference and why? I use a lot of Google related services. Does ios handle google apps well

Apple all the way! Who’s got time to mess with those crappy gypsy iPhone’s (android)?!?!?!?!

Haha. Can’t wait for the backlash.

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It doesn’t matter. I’ve used android for a long time and just switched to iphone. The ONLY thing I like about the iphone is syncing with itunes so I can easily manage my podcasts and music. That was worth the money and the headaches of their interface.

The interface sucks. Not sure what iphone fans are going on about. You swipe up and all of a sudden there’s a menu in your face. You swipe down to get rid of it and it won’t go away until you get it just right and opps you turned off your wifi, you try and select text and it takes forever to get the selection, and there are a 1000 other annoyances that bug me day in and day out.

But I do love carrying one device for audio.

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@JaredAI iOS 11 will bring a lot of features that android users are accustomed to. The control center will be more useful.

@thenry66930 The nice thing about iOS and macOS is everything syncs well. All my work related apps (HouseCall Pro & QuickBooks) get updated first before Android devices. I’ve watch many YouTube videos of Android users trying out iPhones; many say google apps function better on iOS. Another advantage of iOS is you get updates right away and a device will get updated for at least 4 years.

I’m sure @Infinity would have other points as well.

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Apple music for android. It’s a legitimate thing now. it’s still beta but publicly available. I’d pick android for the apps because once employees come along they are gonna have android I’d think.

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For business, i don’t know that one is better than the other (ive used both)… but Android is like an iphone on steroids when it comes to everything it can do.

The sd card alone was worth the switch.

Google Play Music. I will never deal with wretched, possessive, annoying, demanding iTunes ever again.


Android all day every day. But this is personal preference whatever your used to is what you will use.

Googles biggest thing is docs. You can have all your training guides, excel sheets, notes, bid details, sales packages all accessible from your device this is worth so much. You can share all your training guides with your employees or create a before and after album to share with future customers.

Next time start a post with Ford or Chevy will get the same answers hahah


Yeah, I used that for about a month and then exceeded our verizon limit. Stupid verizon. But it can’t manage my podcasts. =(

For the record, it’s Ford.

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Wretched annoying itunes stole my music. I loathe itunes and its because of this vile program that i will not ever buy another iphone again. Itunes was obviously created by satan when on his worst day, he decided to unleash a fury on us all that he had bottled up for centuries.

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Ford here also

The last thing i expected was a discussion on whos plays podcasts better lol.

Can i use Google contacts on iPhone?

I remember when Itunes first came out a friend of mine was at my house and he was talking about it like it was the best thing since sliced bread, so he downloaded it to my PC , then later I was messing with it it goes and searches for music it finds it then tells me I can’t play it because I don’t have any of the certificates for it and I need to go to the Itunes store and purchase all the music I already have… Did I do that, nope just uninstalled itunes player and used and different player.

I would suggest you buy an apple if you have a lack of understanding on how computers and similar devices work, like old people.


You can download your songs to your device so you don’t ever need to use data. And it does do podcasts. I don’t know to what extent since that’s not a feature i use, but it’s in the menu.

Btw, there’s a paid version of it as well that includes youtube red, so you can use youtube with no commercials.

well it sounds like maybe it was his best day!?

Nothing coming to mind at the moment, lol.

It’s really a preference thing. Tbh, most of my experience with android has been on cheaper devices, so my outlook has probably been skewed. I’ve become familiar with the iOS interface, and likely prefer it mostly for its familiarity. It lacks some of the capabilities of android, but feels more stable overall.

Having the calendars, contacts, and other apps sync up via icloud between my wife and I has been invaluable. But I’m guessing google apps have many of the same features. And google calendar syncs up with some 3rd party apps that iCal does not. (Housecall, for one).

I don’t know what I would do with my life if i didn’t have my iphone and ipad

I think people’s perspectives are going to differ if they haven’t used both extensively. I use iPhone for some time as well as blackberry and I also tried windows phone for some time and lastly android. I actually loved the windows phone but no one wanted to make apps for it, so I switched back to android.

I would have to give it to android. The main reason would be the price. You can do everything with an Android that you can do with an iPhone and it’s way cheaper. Plus you have options on phones and you can add memory to the phone. Google apps are free and can be used and synced across all devices.

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