Anyone run/jog for exercise?

I was 300+ pounds in September of last year. I’ve lost 60 pounds since and still dropping weight. I eliminated bad habits and addiction to food. Havn’t spent a minute exercising.


A personal trainer told me that you can’t out exercise a crappy diet. :slightly_frowning_face:


I planted a garden in my back yard this year… its been my stress reliever… plus it helps the diet


@Kyle I agree with you that working and a healthy diet can deal with weight issues. Most of weight loss and maintenance is all about your diet. Too many people spending hours at the gym trying to loose or maintain weight when if they would just manage their eating habits they would solve their problem.

My question would be more about from a health perspective rather than just a weight issue. For me exercise is more about improving performance, increasing longevity of life and avoiding disease than weight control. Even with those diet is key but exercise helps as well.

I would say the main benefit of exercise is improved performance. Whether that be for just daily life or other activities.

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I here you. “They” say a lot of things. I always boil it down to how it makes me feel. Do I feel better when I’m doing x or y. I always feel great when I run.

I’ve considered doing all 3 actually. So one day run. The next day do sprints and the third day walk and then start over the next day. That would give you the benefits of all three and avoid some of the negatives of long distance running.

There is a lot of information out there about the health benefits and weight loss with bicycling.
You can get high intensity workouts without the pounding your joints take with running.
Even to grab a 5 mile loop in the morning (2.5 miles out and 2.5 miles back) and build up to giving it your all, doesn’t take a big chunk of time and is a great way to start your day.
In 12 weeks you may be surprised at the results - and it is addictive, in a good way. :wink:

Thanks for sharing that Garry.

Nice logo and business name. Using “West Lothian” as part of your business name helps establish you as a local instead of a “fly by nighter” from out of town.

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The only thing that will get me to run for exercise is chasing after a ball. If it’s not for basketball or soccer, running is just too plain boring for me.

If i did run, though, i would do sprinting. Far greater benefit than endurance running, including building muscle rather than wasting it. Studies have found that sprinting also improves your endurance just as well as long distance. Plus less joint stress. All that in a fraction of the time to me is a win-win. Oh, but still boring. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


It was with your help that made me make the decision about using my region as my company name.

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I am determined to lose 5 - 10 pounds before the convention. Will keep everyone posted.

Just eat nothing but fruits vegetables and meat and drink only water and you will drop that easy. Add mild daily exercise and you will drop even more as long as you don’t chat on your diet.

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Otherwise known as proper diet and exercise. We all fall off of it now and again, trouble is getting back on again.


I agree it will increase your Vo2 max better and quicker than long distance runs but it won’t prepare you for ling distance runs. It will also benefit your endurance but in a different way.

If you had to carry 30 full kegs of your favorite beverage up 3 flights of stairs who would fair better, a power lifter or a long distance runner? Clearly the power lifter. The runner would probably tire out after the first couple of kegs. However the power lifter isn’t going o be able to run as far as the runner or get there even close to as fast.

There are different types of endurance. Also your body has to adjust to the milage of long distance running. If you start running you can only use increase your mileage gradually each week without risking stress fractures. If sprints worked as well as long distance running to train you for long distance running then the Navy Seals would only do wind sprints. Working low intensity cardio also helps in recovery from intense training sessions such as weight training or interval training. It also helps increase your recovery times for interval training.

I’ve done both and I always feel better when I add long distance runs to my regiment at least 2-3 days a week. I generally have a lot more energy and a greater resistance to sickness.

I completely get you on the boring part. Before I started running long distance I felt the same way. Once I go used to it it became absolutely refreshing especially in the early mornings.


I agree. I need to get away from sweets and soft drinks. Just dropping that, I am sure I can lose 2 -3 pounds a week.

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I ride everyday. 20-30 miles usually. Im currently training myself for a 1400 mile trip. Chicago to Vegas on a bicycle. Ill fly back though. Lol


Wow! That is impressive. How many days do you think it will take you to cover 1400 miles?

My goal is 16 days. But giving myself 20. Ill have a one man tent and only essentials. Depending on the time of year i go, i can average 70-100 miles per day. Certain days with a bad head wind ill be lucky to do 30 miles aday. So ive been studying weather patterns for the route to pick the best time of year.
Why vegas? Idk i have a brother there and a long time ago it started out as a joke but its become a serious goal for me. Ive been training enough and finally to a point i can take off for that long at once. Rest assured theyll be plenty of pics when i do finally do it. Ill have a headcam. And i will be looking for some tentsites, so if any of my fellow glass jockeys have a yard for rent along the way. Let me know :eyes::facepunch:


Clutch is awesome. You can ride a flight of stairs without the awful chain slap noise!

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