Awkward...anyone else have this happen?

Stay away from that, in a few years from now you might find yourself on Maury povitch… Ryan you are not the father! I knew it Maury I knew it!!

The best thing about a pregnant woman is how unlikely it is that you’ll get her pregnant.

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  1. Over a decade ago we did a retirement community. I pulled the straw for the 3rd floor. Saw at least two naked people that morning. 2) Apparently a lady answered the door naked 2 weekends ago for my guys. 3) Had a couple who had this amazing shower, odd thing one side of it was a slider door which faced the neighbors home. No shade, no gas in the middle no nothing. Thing probably fit 10 people and my guess is they tried 15 people.

Winter must be setting in, this thread getting a lot of attention.

LOL No its “HERE”…

Well how would you guys respond to this customer? I thought about maybe adding on free mirror cleaning.

surprised an elderly Irish customer who was pulling on her bra. she saw my face at the window and just roared with laughter, like a Geordie docker

I worked with a guy a while back who used to work at a porn store and there is a category for that it’s called Ready to Drop. Not my cup of tea but to each his own, I guess.

2013 World Series Champion
Boston Red Sox

If it exists, there is porn for it lol

I had this happen once with a husband and a wife in their backyard shower. I luckily heard it and called out their names before rounding the corner and seeing what they were doing. They were pretty embarrassed.

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Definitely had this happen and it was on my helper’s first day. I told him as we were pulling up “I’m warning you that this customer is a little out there…” The same guy was also growing a bunch of pot in the backyard and drying it out in his office inside. People are wild sometimes.

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