Hey guys I’ve kept my business low key and have only done residential for the most part. Lately though the commercial side is picking up. One of my bids is for a 3 story bank. My question is on pricing (outside only). For the 3rd story windows which are 40’ at the base of the window there are 56 regular windows 5’ x 5 1/2’. Price $13 per window. Also 56 small windows 5’ x 5 1/2’ which are about 46’ at the base . Price $12 per window. Also I will be purchasing a wfp (which is a whole separate question). My quote includes a boom lift for 1 week for $1326 plus 20% added on. Total boom price is $1,591. Since I’m using wfps I’m going to discount that to $800. The total bank windows 1st,2nd,3rd floor is
Normal windows is 168.
Small is 347.
Pricing is
1st floor ground windows$2, normal windows is $6 and small windows using 6’ ladder is $4.
2nd floor normal windows are $7 and small are $6
3rd floor normal are $13 and small are $12
Normal windows are 5’ x 5 1/2’
Small windows are 5’ x 5 1/2’
Price for total building: $4,500
Am I pricing correctly or do you guys think I’m over or under pricing? I want both of us to be happy. Also I am the only one giving a quote as far as I know. I do the guys house. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.