So I was at a residential job today and a guy showed up to replace a few of the windows.I was washing screens and he got to talking and like any contractor he was being a bit smart and he said to me , “So you get to just play in the water all day”. Im like yah you know its like a water park for me etc. He was like, “yah I would be out here in a swim suit!”. Yah not quiye but ok.
Then I got to thinking he kind of makes sense. If Im usung water and washing windows in the heat wouldn’t it make sense to use the water to my atvantage? Then I got to thinking what is you did do the outside in swimwear? Not like a speedo or cutoffs but more like a swimsuit that looks like khaki shorts and then a blue siwm shirt with logo etc. and you had shoes that could get wet etc. You could just hose yourself down every now and then and keep cool.
My thinking was you could use a hose to wash the windows. You could use a spot free rinse.Im not a big advocate of wfp on forst time cleans on residential but you could just use a hose with a spray nozle and a ladder. Scrub the screen t4ack and window and rinse it all down along with yourself lol. And let it dry spot free. You wouod stay cool in the heat. Since your wearing a quick dry swin suit material you would dry pretty quick so you would be ready to go inside. You could even use a hair dryer to speed up the drying.
The thing about it is that here in TX Im drenched anyways by noon. I look like I hosed myself down anyways. Why not embrace it and use it to your advantage? And stay cooler? You would probably actually feel better going inside becauae you could hose yoursef off and get all the dirt off and be cleaner to go inside.just hose off dry off go to lunch and by the time you get back to the job your clean and ready to go inside.
Not to mention wet cleaning the screen and being able to rinse the track and the window frame and all would produce a superior clean as well.
Man I did a job the other day and I was having to restore these stain glass windows. I was having to polish each little piece of glass with steel wool and the sun was just beating down on me. I was in tears at one point. The humidity was almost 90%! It sucked!
Honestly I didnt think anything of the guys comment but it just started my mind churning. It wasnt actually bad at the job I was on. Mostly in the shade.
I generally wear kahko pants and short sleeve shirt. When Im in the direct sun I put on golf sleeves to stay covered from the sun. You got to stayed covered here.
I say if it’s like that. I would do it. I think people get it. Your working out in the crazy heat. Like you said it’s either yourndremched from sweat , or even better drenched from the hose. Every house has a hose. Soak your self up An back to work. Repeat process as needed.
What’s wrong with that. In my eyes nothing. As long as you don’t walk in a house dripping wet.
You could even bring a change if close for insides. Just a thought. Brain storming.
Some days are so hot and humid I just want to jump in their swimming pool!
Moisture wicking clothes helps a lot. If you have be in one sun drenched area for long set up a beach umbrella if you’re not a ladder.
I use these all summer. Get em wet and throw around your neck. No, i dont tie em like a scarf, just hang on my back. Most dollar stores sell em in season.
Thanks for the input guys. For the record it was more about a possible idea than amything. I tend to have a creative mind and have no shortage of ideas. Some can be genius and others just plain crazy. I have learned over the years to balance out the crazy ones by bouncing my ideas off of others. I could see this one going either way.
For me I generally cover up, wide brim hat long sleeves etc. and use and use damp towel around the neck or head, work around the sun, start earlier etc. to make the heat little more bareable. Really though your just going to be hot. Anything you do is simply going to take a small edge off.
The guys comment just got stuck in my head and I couldnt stop thinking about it as a possabilty. Practical or not it would be the neat way to stay cool and wpuld probably reduce your over all heat level by a good 10 degrees which would be significant when its over 100.
Who knows I may give it a go on my own house and see how practical it is.
Windows dry spot free with just the hose? Tds…or do you mean your doing the spot free with pure water? Configure your WFP to use it like a shower head and enjoy that fresh, clean water, without making a mess with the house hose …and make sexy poses