Hey guys, so for the people who use both GG4 with some added dawn what are your ratios? How much water,dawn,gg4 do you use.
Hey guys, so for the people who use both GG4 with some added dawn what are your ratios? How much water,dawn,gg4 do you use.
2 gallons water
1/2 oz GG
2 sec squirt Dawn
3 gallons of water 3/4 oz gg.
Add soap to squirt bottle as you go. One-two drops for regular cleans, bunch of drops for super greasy restaurants.
Do you notice a difference useing gg4 and dawn together vs them separately?
No, I just like to be able to control how much soap I use. Doing route work, one stop might require more soap than another stop. A greasy bbq joint is going to need a lot. A clothing store, not so much. Then if you have a house scheduled later, you’ll want a different amount there as well.
Also, soap will break down throughout the day so you won’t get the same amount of suds at noon as you did at 8am.
Yes. GG4 imo is unusable on it’s own. The soap is needed for slip.
Of course the folks at Titan Labs would strongly disagree with you.
@TheWindowCleanse has a YouTube video on this check it out on his channel.
A dash here, a splash there. Should do the trick
hate gg4, dawn 2.5 squirts and 1.5 seconds of sudsy ammonia in 5 gallon bucket.
Well darn, I think I will agree with Titan Labs. I use gg-4 and the gg glide pretty close to suggested ratios and I am satisfied with the slip, sparkle etc. I will admit you have to pay close attention to where you are on the glass. There is definitely no sharp line between the part just passed over and the soapy part just below. Other than that, I kinda like it.
It’s the visibility that they still need to address.
In any event, until someone shows me scientifically how it changes it, i will continue to put dish soap in for visibility. After a day or two just straight, i said enough. And no customer, as of yet, has looked at the windows and exclaimed, “Hold on one second, Mister! Did you add dawn to your Glass Gleam 4 and Glass Gleam Glide?”
However, both my helpers exclaimed that they definitely preferred having the visibility of the Ecover and that it made a noticeable difference in reducing mistakes. Advantage: Helpers
The people at Titan I’m sure are correct but they aren’t sharing why. So for all practical purposes, dish soap stays.
Then I encourage them to post a video demonstration of them squeegeeing with just GG4.
Jordie, why not just skip the Glide altogether since dish soap also provides plenty of slip?
then they are disagreeing with hundreds of users
Ugh, i know. This is why soap wars are so frustrating. Its all anecdotal.
So, in my mind, if i add the Glide, i don’t have to add so much dish soap, thus limiting the “negating” of GG4, which i believe is true.
Since virtually none of the conversation contains the actual science, just people repeating what “Alan from Titan labs said…” then i have to remain a part of the moonshine wars.
well tell those folks to add the glide crap to the gg4, and not make it an additional purchase
I already did!
I spoke with Harv Berger, the inventor of GG4, about ten years ago. He said ANYTHING he could add to GG4 to improve the slip leaves a residue on the glass and causes more rapid resoiling of the window. This is an indisputable fact. If it could be done he told me that he would do it.
I wonder if their new Glide formula leaves a residue on the glass? Did they finally find something that solves the problem? Does it cause more rapid resoiling of the windows just like dawn does?
If you add dish soap to GG4 it isn’t GG4 anymore.
On a side note: I add some Dawn to my GG4. LOL
Turn that bottle around and give me the science.
In the end, what is reality? Reality is that most customers dont care what we use and are not measuring how long it takes for their windows to get resoiled. As the recent Poll suggests, the actual glass results are last on the list of reasons people hire us. So why are we all so fixated on it?
I live on a very busy street, so my home windows get dirty about a month after cleaning. After 2 months, it becomes noticeable. After 3 months, intolerable. After 12 months, they get cleaned.
My point? I have the most critical eye of anyone who would see my windows. I notice immmediately when they need cleaning. Yet, I dont care enough to clean them when they need it. Why? Life.
How much less the average person is going to notice and then care, whether they get dirty a month after cleaning or 4 months.
Jordie: I agree with your post 100%. That’s why I add some Dawn to my GG4.
Their windows resoil a little faster but they don’t have to know that and i have enough glide to get my work done efficiently.
That being said the more soap I add the faster my customer’s windows resoil. LOL