Can you hire and still make a profit

It seems like everything levels itself out for you then, having your employees handle the lower and you do the higher to level it out. Pricing commercial at $100 an hour would put me out of business were I’m at. I have to cram little 30min jobs in between the bigger jobs to hit the $80 an hour.

With my experience, the employees don’t average the hourly the owner does or did.

I haven’t found a guy yet who keeps up to me. It’s not that I’m great but I’m efficient, driven and have a compmetly different pace than the employees. Im fine with that and tell them to do thier best with quality in mind.

Wfp is the exception, a new guy, no experience can make great hourly because it’s more productive for unskilled.


Bingo! That’s right. :grin:

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The “like” is for this part of your post.

I think you’re absolutely right. And that’s the conundrum. Everyone who grows old in this business probably needs employees eventually, but that doesn’t change any of the challenges we’ve discussed. So the real issue for long-term success is, “How ready am I to tackle those issues and be a manager-type-owner?”

I know my answer, but each person needs to decide for themselves.

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It is very different, There is just so much that goes into it that you don’t even think of.


This is a very helpful thread and I appreciate you guys sharing your insights! At the moment I’m using Jobber to schedule and invoice. Unfortunately, it does not have great reporting. For instance, it does not have a report that can tell me how much each of my employees is averaging per hour for a specific time range. I currently have to do a lot of data manipulation in Excel if I want to get super analytical with things. Is there any software that you guys are using that can more easily spit out these key performance indicators?

You Can…I do