Cleaning air conditioners

So…I cleaned windows in a house last week for a woman who is a real estate agent. She owns this and tell others…These houses are summer rentals… She will want me to do them at least 3 times a year. Today she texted me that she wants the 2nd house done… And added this… While you’re there, can you possibly clean the 3 air conditioners in the windows? I’ll pay you!.. So…I like money… And I’m thinking 10 bucks a piece?.. Is that too low of a charge?.. She has at least 3 in each property that she wants done…

Have any of you done odd jobs like that? Is 10 bucks each a fair price? … I have no clue lol

I figure… Keep her happy and the referrals will pour in… As I’ve already gotten one referral from her.

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Perfect job for the furry Unger pads. But if it’s second story might want to charge more.

They are real easy… Window type and I can pull them right out…

I would ask her to be more specific, as to what she wants you to do . Is it just to un-dust the top and wipe ? Or pull out or clean the coils ? I would get more info . If it just clean the top , that literally takes seconds .


that’s the first thing that popped in my head as well.

I was thinking the filter but yeah better ask what needs to be cleaned on it.

Taking off the shell and cleaning inside the units… Not a deep clean… No taking apart and internal parts… Just clean inside good…Honestly, I do it to my own every year… it’s not hard work. . Won’t take too long… And I decided to price high…told her 25 bucks per unit. She has 6 of them … they are pretty small… maybe 5000Btu… If she takes them somewhere to be serviced it would be a lot more… I can live with making an extra 150 bucks. … She said go for it!

Sorry guys…I should have been more specific…


hey if you feel that you could get them done in a decent amount of time. go for it and good for you on the extra 150 bucks!

I think it was a good call. 25 is fair esp since you do it your own yearly. And shes a connection so no need to break her bank

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