Close shave [with danger]

id think most window cleaners have had a brush with danger. perhaps youve had a ladder fall,or came close. what your close shave? i had a fall but

my most memorable was i was sitting in my van parked up and i noticed a router bit was laying on the console. must have belonged to a previous owner- hmmm well no good to me i dont want it. so i opened the window,im just going to fling it away into a garden nearby. what i did not know was a teenage girl was walking up behind my van,in my blind spot … so i launched this router bit hard as i could and it missed her face by less than an inch!

boy was i lucky that day

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Wow, I can’t imagine. I’ve stuck someone with my pole accidently right in his fat belly. LOL. Lots of apologizing.


Fractured my ankle from ladder fall, free fall one story while doing drops cause I got cocky, almost fell off a roof several times. There more but the where the scary ones for me

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Broke my wrist falling off a roof.had a fall recently there because i was rushing but was lucky enough to walk away from most i ve had those scares where the ladder slides a teeny tiny bit and you think “oh jesus,this is it…i’m going down”


In the carnival during setup/tear down, sometimes we’d get that little jolt of someone slipping or almost falling and if the rest of the crew saw it, They’d yell"weeee" (like when your having fun riding a ride) at the top of their lungs. It was understood that if you heard it you repeated it at the top of your lungs… All the way down the midway! Public embarrassment is a great way to keep folks safe. Not one injury that entire season btw.

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Well, I am just starting and already had my fall. Last week it was raining somewhat in Houston and I was cleaning a set of windows standing on one of those metal roofs. Suddenly I slid on the roof and hit it so hard that I bounced and fell off the roof pushing the ladder away as I fell and went straight down to the ground and hit it facing down. So fast everything happened. I almost broke some ribs. The only visible damage was a broken nail (lol).

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Thats not nice. But remember he’s fat you’re ugly. He can lose weight. Only thing that can help you is a paper bag… JK

Never been to Hollywood? They fix ugly every day.


I’m curious. :grinning: how did you expect to fall off a roof besides straight down? Glide?

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At a cost my friend. A very high cost.

I used to jump out of helicopters, sometimes with a parachute, sometimes not. (Army)

One time we were repelling out of helicopters -2 at a time (like swat). We had a guy on the ground holding the rope. You’re supposed to swing out, then tighten your grip to stop half way down (while still swinging) then release and slide some more and keep doing that until u get to the ground. (Usually 2-3 times)

Well, the rope is super thick and you can’t wrap your hand around it so it requires alot of hand strength.
We had been jumping all day, doing different maneuvers. This was the last jump of the day. I was exhausted.
I jumped out only to realize i was so fatigued i couldn’t even close my hand. I slid straight down about 2 stories and landed on my guy at the bottom (that was his job). We both walked away.


Probably shouldn’t be littering either. Instant karma for being an asshole. Now someone gardening will step on that or cut their hand on it.


Had a short fall last year, was doing gutters with one of my crew. The mulch under my ladder had a hollow spot and as I started climbing down my ladder dropped fast toward the other guy.
I ended up jumping off right before it hit his ladder so that only one of us would be taken down.
Minor sprain, and a hit to my pride, but not sure what I would do differently.