Compensation for outside Salesperson

If my helper gets a job I give him fifty percent of the job to help me do it

Our company has experimented with this for years. I agree that your Sales person ends up taking on a bunch of other responsibilities and may not have as much time to sell. We found that a residual commission suited our situation best. All of our workers, supervisors, office staff and etc. have access to the same commission. We offer 10% of the sale to the person on a residual basis (every time the service is done, they earn a commission) but we only pay after paid by the client. This way the person has an incentive to keep selling, because they keep getting paid, a good sales person can replace a large part of their income just from the residual. This also incentive’s the original sales person to stay on top of the client and assist in assuring complete satisfaction over the years. If we loose the client they loose the commission. We train all of our staff to sell, the more they sell the better checks they get. For our techs and office staff, we pay out quarterly, for our supervisors and key sales people, we pay once paid by the client typically within a month of the sale. I feel that this offers a great reason for someone to stay on board with us, if they have sold a ton of accounts they are effectively earning $ for no work and it can be thousands a year. If they leave, they loose the bonus checks. This has worked for us, we did have to adjust our pricing worksheets to include the the anticipated potential commission (we increased all pricing by 10%). We also require that the person doing the sale must fill out a UpSale commision form in order to be paid and this must be completed within 24hrs. (no form, they get no commission)

50% Why would you do that? That means he made more than you