Compliance depot scam

oh man I am not even a window cleaner. I run a tow company and know so many stories like this in our field. What you are saying happens even worst to us. It makes it so its not worth towing and towing is profitable. They say oh we need this and that and this send you a copy of what they want, drive your insurance agent to want to quit working for you. BTW my insurance agent calls them complete idiots. Also our city and state regulated insurance minimums which are well more than we can do in damage cost about 5000 a month for what they want on 1 truck. They are bat shit crazy. When I contract with a company with compliance depo I upfront tell them to sign a waiver to allow my coi to pass as I sat for 4 months trying to get my insurance to pass, paying that premium price and not being allowed to tow. Someone should sue that sorry ass company into the ground. compliance depot you suck ass just admit it already, you are unrealistic, uncooperative, not forthcoming of expectations, and dont provide an upfront list before payment. I am damn sure that violates a law. I would have thousands in my pocket more if it weren’t for this bullshit ass company. compliance depot properties and small businesses should stay away from compliance depot. compliance depot I hope you lose business because of this just as I have.

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Or we can re hash old stuff and make em relevant again right compliance depot?

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This looks like an exciting thread about compliance depot. I’ve only heard terrible thing about them. I think mainly from this thread too. :joy:

@Chris you guys ever find out if the @compliancedepot account was real? I just briefly skimmed the saga. Lol

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I just read Compliance Depot became REALPAGE, Inc

Anybody know or have heard about this?

Yep, I have had to go through them twice. A bit of a pain, but it is what it is

Was it worth it? And did you or have you had any issues with payment?

As long as your in compliance then payment hasn’t been an issue with me. It is a pain because they are very picky to make sure you meet whatever requirements the property has, and they say your out of compliance a month before your insurance expires. Some properties can have annoying requirements. I would get a contract for a year if you have multiple cleanings. Basically make it worth your while. Make sure your in compliance before you do any work! They should also be able to send you a sample coi for a specific client.

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@BStrait this is the tread I remembered when I saw your post about vendors

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Thank you so much!!

Lets keep this thread alive forever lol

P.S. They are also known as Realpage Vendor Compliance LLC now.