Dirty slogans

Apparently it’s a pretty big company but how’d you like to be THAT GUY. Lol

I don’t understand the appeal for a franchise. And I would say I’d rather work all day in a dress before buying a franchise. But…to actually buy a franchise and still wear the dress all day? Not a chance


That makes two of us. Building your own brand is much more rewarding and dare I say challenging.

Here’s 50000. Give me a business.

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Especially when it’s like 90 degrees out lol

I think you have to play some fancy mind games in your head to be OK with it. Like Mel Gibson and all his warriors wore kilts in Brave Heart. The Scott’s were bad ass.

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I saw a pretty lame slogan on a cherry picker owned by a parking lot lighting company the other day… “because it gets dark at night” really?


Aww so i guess you wouldn’t like my new company slogan, “Because dirt is dirty.”


Back in the day they might have been bashed in my area. I wonder what calibre of dude works for them. It’d either have to be a billy bad ass MMA dude looking for easy practice for whoever looked at him crazy or some seriously funny style “guys”. Wouldn’t see me doing it thats for sure.


Found this one along the route yesterday. Turned around to get a pic.


It is just funny cause they are being brutally honest, right? Or is there an inuendo I’m not getting?

(Now i wanna open a Lung Cancer Smoke Shop. Anyone want in on this?)

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Got a local radiator repair shop. Their slogan is, “it’s a great place to take a leak.”




Might as well be…

“Lick My Bowls”

  • dog water bowl cleaner.
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Sorry…HAD to be done! :rofl: