DIY - WFP RO/DI Multi-Stage Setup Squeak N' Squeegee Style

Okay good I thought so. I saw some people had the. Time in center and the permeate on outside same tank and is as thinking I had it wrong. They must have a slightly different tank style or membrane

is this thing up and running now

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Yes all except the RO membrane, Winter is here and I was so scared to putting that in and watching it get wasted as i dont use it often enough yet, or it’ll get moldy/foul! UPdate coming as the weather warms back up!


It’s an exhausting build if you ask me, but I think it also doubles as an oilfield fracing unit.


Well, good thing your not using it, it’s actually not much larger (bulky) or heavier than the other RODI systems as a whole. And it cost 1/3-1/2 the price as others, also filters more out- a bit over kill-. And I had so much fun building it and learning so so so much about reverse osmosis and dionization!!

I don’t see how your comment was productive. I prefer to run my business the same way I live my life. With kindness and respect for others, humility, courage, and strength.

But thanks for the bump!

Have you had a chance to field test it yet @BlueLightning08

Only on two locations prior to the freezing that has followed.

I have to wait 3 months now to play with it more. I keep pulling it out every other day and using to to quickly wash my house windows right at about 45-55 degrees :confused: just so it doesn’t foul on me

Can you post how it’s going for you? I’m thinking about trying to create my own system.


I will update you guys here as soon as I get back from my much deserved needed and earned vacation with my wife and kids!

It’s all great news. This machine has worked out wonders. I’m actually dis assembling the cart and rigging it onto my pressure washing trailer. :smiley:

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