Thanks for the save!!! Don’t want to waste time for sure.
Also… remember that this is a learning process. Don’t be too discouraged when you make mistakes. You will learn more from your failures than your successes. Also remember that you can pick which neighborhoods to canvass. You may want hold off from the really huge houses to start with until you learn the technique.
And just remember when a job is done that doesn’t mean none of the neighbors aren’t in need of their windows being cleaned either. I picked up a client last month, came back for a monthly cleaning and went over to his neighbors and picked him up as well.
And there’s another client around the other side who directed me across the street for a new brewery going in with the owners name, phone number, and e-mail. Sometimes you have nothing and other times you just strap yourself in, put on your helmet and hang on
I totally agree! Thanks
I’m still at it guys… I spoke to a mom and pop gas station/fried kitchen/store and offered to clean their windows. They had 22 windows. Two of them were broken and obvious. Most of them were large rectangular panes, and there were four glass doors. Everything was filthy, and the store stays busy. They are not budging.
Did I over estimate at $85/month with weekly cleanings?
Yeah, if they are just trashed like you describe, your just barking up the wrong tree bud. Go to a monthly interval. Set a price for monthly, no bite, haul ass to a trophy shop near you. Those owners appreciate shiny and reasonable pricing. Your price is around 1/2 what I get for storefront. My rule of thumb is a buck per pane side. If they are busy- dirty or clean, ya can’t blame em for not caring. Those aren’t the customers you want anyway. Next month, they’ll shine you on saying they are still clean. Waste of time imo.
Agreed storefront should be about $1 per pane side or $2 per pane inside/out…
I wash roundbtables windows they have 51 panes. I wash them exterior every two weeks for $50 takes 1 hour.
I wash their interiors every 6 weeks for an additional $50. Takes 2 hours and I earn $100
both of which had an intitial cleaning tag of an additional $50.
I wash West Salem ace hardwares windows 54 panes inside and out $100 per month, ha dan initial cleaning fee of $50.
I was figaros pizza for free for a contest box that has made me $800 and so far was great but no one this month has entered.
I recently added a contest box to round table for nothing lol.
Keep moving forward, I hope things have been both hard and easy for you. Without the hard you can’t expect to grow stronger and better!!
My personal opinion on storefront is, it HAS to be done right. Routes have to be TIGHT and you have to have prices set right for the stop every time.
For me, a buck a pane isn’t worth pulling out of the driveway. Most of the shops in my area a fairly small, and even if I hit them for a 10 dollar minimum, you just aren’t going to average 50 bucks an hour. Quite a few actually pay their employees to clean the glass, so you can’t lock enough stores in a row without getting in your vehicle and moving to the next stop. AND there is quite a bit of competition here in storefronts.
Here, clean glass that looks like a pro cleaned it, is undervalued. For those that ARE paying. very few value the window guy.