Do any of you guys have a minimum price for squeezing in an emergency service? If so how much?
For an existing storefront customer?
That saying just makes me
No minimum charge, I go with what my gut says… depends on how much PITA it will be…
Seriously a window cleaning or pressure washing emergency
If I can get them in I just do it. If they are a loyal,existing customer I will move things as much a possible to make sure they are covered.
If they are first timers, I’ll fit them in when I can. Rarely do I bump an existing customer around just for a first timer.
My motto has always been “Your lack of planning does not constitute my emergency”
Then, just let the chips fall where they may.
She needed it RIGHT NOW!.. lol. Seriously tho. A regular had spider sheit all over. Just had to see me. Idk. Maybe she just likes me. Lol.
Yes. It’s a bar that takes up half a city block
One of her employees got wise and decided to spread them all over the glass with a broom
Sounds like an A list customer. You gotta do whatever they ask.
No charge if it’s one sheet of glass.
They’ll remember you forever for it too. Good luck to competitors taking this one.
I don’t know about an “emergency service charge”. Regular customer? Squeeze it in first chance you get. If it’s out of your way then a nominal charge for what it is worth to drive there. If it easy to pop by and take care of then no charge makes you more valuable.
Of course if you charge someone who deserves a favor that quote works in reverse.
… " I’m having a big party tomorrow"…
Til I drove off my route, did the job, and drove back, it chewed up an hour. Either way I slice it I gotta charge 50 for stepping away from my day. Just can’t do things for free anymore. Wish I could.

… " I’m having a big party tomorrow"…
…That’s pour planning on their part…
Not an emergency…
…My houses is on fire, please send the fire deptment…
That’s an emergency
Yes…Unfortunately some of my customers would not agree…
I know…I have 4 customers in that “group” at this current time…
Til I drove off my route, did the job, and drove back, it chewed up an hour.
Don’t think the average storefront customer gets it. All they see is you cleaning ONE pane of glass in under two minutes and charging $50. My guess is they’d be looking for a new window cleaner. The only thing you can charge is zero. Just my experience.