Employee Compensation

Folded in with the existing business

Same with me. I bought a Skyvac and a 6.5 kW generator in the spring of 2021 and it has been our best $PMH producer. Before that I didn’t advertise gutter cleaning and had only done a handful of jobs when I was specifically asked to do it by clients.

I wish we had upgraded tot he Skyvac many years ago!

tell your employees to eat more fibre, that will help eliminate conste…wait whats the topic?

does it work with pine needles?

At 30% what do you think that level of pay needs to be,in today’s market for a technician or manager to land and keep good employees?

I think it depends a lot on the location.

What would be the high and low end in your opinion? So let’s say for a full time long term hourly pay rate. What would you say is a fair rate to keep a good employee?

$25 an hour.

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which at $25 per hour as wages would mean that your pricing would ideally be dialed in so that your employees, with their skill set and pace, are able to consistently generate a minimum of $670 per man per day or at 6 typical billable hours per day $112 per man hour on the job as an annual average

what if your pricing could generate higher numbers than that? what if you could then pay more than $25/hr? what kind of help could you retain over the long term?

how high can you go in pricing? that will depend on your marketing message and market and what niche you’re filling that people are happy to pay a premium for (and that your employees are able to follow through on fulfilling that marketing promise)

hope that helps