So let me preface this with it’s my fault to begin with for not having structures in place for checking/double checking employees work…
That being said, what systems do you/would you recommend putting in place to make sure all the work is completed, completed right, and no tools or towels are left behind?
I’ve told him to take a walk around after all touchup stuff is done and after all tools are put away. Today he was touching up inside and some towels fell out of his pocket he didn’t notice, (yah not a big deal it happens to the best of us, just wanting to learn how to keep myself and him in better check.)
Also what do you do about time off? Are your employees always on call for 5 or 6 days a week?
Would the written policy for time off be in an employee hand book?
There’s a lot of structural things I need to get taken care of and fix while they’re smaller.
I told him if he sells, or up sells a job he get’s 10% commission for the sale (subject to change)
What would you do if a customer:
only went with exterior cleaning because they thought that was all you did? Your employee shows up and they find out you guys do in/out so they have all of it done in/out?
What do you do about tips?
Do you have employee report tips for your crm records?
What if the tip is on the check while you’re on site with the employee?
I know I’ve got more questions but it’s late and they aren’t all coming to me… If you’re open to sharing your experiences I’m sure us newbie employers will welcome all of them!
my workers get all the tips . and sometimes if its been a really gruelling day and theres no tips i will pretend somebody unexpectedly gave a tip on the quiet and give it to them. boosts morale!
iv learnt that as long as the workload is high it forces the standard to be good . now its down to you you you to make sure the workload is consistently high . by high i mean busy schedule every working day, but not so busy theyre beaten and tired run ragged and moaning .
we work a 5 day week, never 6 or 4 no matter who calls theres no weekend working. its 5 days with weekends to rest the lads know where they stand.
nothing wrong with doing 6 days but you make it clear from the start thats the score. Clarity is what its about . i dont allow texting to me from my lads either,its always speak if theres an issue,no texting after hours either
end of the day its your business so you set the ground rules but make each rule very clear and explain why it is a rule and ask them do you understand ?
Yes you set the rules, must be in writing and record the employee knows of these rules.
We have a regular 4 0 hours a week schedule that is the same every week, all expectations are described in a company policy book.
Your never going to totally eliminate waste in small items as rags, rubbers and soap. As you stated a walk thru of thr sire at the end should be effective.
You will need a back up plan daily. If you get rained out or window do you send them Home? That will get old for employees who rely on regular work/income.
Adding employees takes your work load to another level for sure. Being organised and prepared in the field and in the office Is crucial to the businesses profitability and your sanity.
Completely different if you are hands on in field with them or a office only employer too.
As for leaving towels behind, i tell my guys to carry 2 microfibre cloth and 2 scrims. When your all done, you should have 2 scrims and 2 microfibre cloths. If not go find them. We do 99% resi work.
This one sounds fairly straightforward: give them a commission for any $$ of additional income. If interiors add $200 to the job total, then an extra $20 for his upsell (in addition to his extra labor, of course).