Feeling it in the Morning?

I’m no doctor but a pinched nerve usually spells PAIN. If you’re getting numbness that seems more likely to be a circulatory/vascular issue.

There is a large artery that flows into each arm from the torso. If you are fairly muscular, the pectoralis and anterior deltoid can exert pressure on it in certain positions and cause numbness.

May not be pinched but possibly a couple vertabrae need adjusting. Couple trips to Chiro perhaps.

Or, just lay on stomach with arms crisscrossed. Have wife sit on you, hands cupped together, placed between shoulder blades.

Deep breath, let it out, quick upward thrust towards neck. Rice Krispies.

We do it all the time. Feels great!

Or, 0° also allows one to stand further away from window, thus not such a severe neck angle.

Yes you are. - Dr. Suds. That’s what one of my customers calls me.


It could be a rotator cuff issue.

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Your body can be a touch out of whack and not realize it. I good Chiropractor can whip you back into shape.


When I was fat, my girlfriend got me the t-shirt that said “It’s not a beer belly - it’s a fuel tank for a sex machine”. Could never wear it outside the house, but appreciated the thought. I did way better than I deserve in the girlfriend department.


there are gloves with rubber bands that exercise the opposite muscles, strengthening the opposite muscles balances the pull on the wrist bones, pulling them away from the carpal tunnel, thus eliminating the issues

think about it, the hands are always grasping, what do we ever do that is strengthening the muscles that OPEN the hand?

anytime I have a flare up, a couple sets with the glove over a few days and it goes away totally

funny how dr’s never mention this simple fix


Are these like what you are talking about??
It’s all I can find that aren’t just compression gloves. $90

You can also put rubber bands around all your fingers together and open them repeatedly to strengthen the wrist and back of the hand

Realistically, you should proly get professional help… Perhaps chiropractor as others have said, or physical therapist.

Often what’s needed is to stretch the muscles you are using and strengthen their opposite. With pole work you are mainly pushing against resistance, so you might benefit from pulling exercises like pullups.

I’d suggest taking note of what your head, neck and chest position are while poling. If your posture is poor, it can cause problems further down the line, like numbness, etc.

You could try an exercise like this one:

My therapist taught me the exercise a bit differently (and i feel it works better than in the video); you turn your head away from the wall and tuck down toward your armpit.

Of course all this “advice” is coming from a lay person. I’d go to a doctor asap. The longer you wait, the more damage is done and the harder it will be to fix.


I’ve also gotten amazing relief from things I’ve learned on this site:

You eventually have to pay to read the author’s entire work (I did and it was worth the $20) but you learn quite a bit from the free intro. One point he makes later is that “carpal tunnel” is often actually just a trigger point problem and can be very quickly overcome with some basic self-massage. I’m prone to wrist pain and have dealt with it for years now. Got pretty discouraged when it started happening while cleaning windows. Read the above, found the trigger points on my forearm, and was virtually pain-free in minutes. Same with an old back injury that acts up.

Again, just throwing that out there as something you may choose to look into. What works for one person may not for another blah blah blah… Go to a doctor. Disclaimer over.


Check out Peter Egoscue’s book Pain Free Living or check him out on YouTube. He’s amazing!

I’m sure there are even better videos than this one about Pete’s work because I just picked something quick and posted it.


Thanks for all the advice guys. I think I’m going to do more stretching at night and in the morning.

Z[quote=“IronLionZion, post:73, topic:42090”]
I think I’m going to do more stretching at night and in the morning.

Did someone say stretching. The Tibetan Five Rites have changed the lives of thousands of people. Revitalization and strength building yoga routine for morning and evening. About 20 minutes

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that’s exactly the one I use