@Chris i looked for other thread but couldn’t find it.
a minor annoyance for me:
when i mouse toward the wcr logo to get back to the list of threads i often find i drift slightly high and the shop supplies drop down opens and covers the button i want.
I’ve been getting the accursed Network Connection Error for the past couple of weeks…
Maybe mouse towards the windowcleaner.com logo ( bigger target )
thanks, too stupid to try that on my own!!! bigger target and the drop downs don’t cover it !
I still can’t see my logo or if I have notifications on the desk top. (Yes, I am signed in).
I was experiencing this myself for a long while it was making me crazy as we couldn’t find a technical reason for it. It turns out I was accessing the forum from an old icon/bookmark on the home screen of my home. As soon as I deleted it and went directly to the forum and re-bookmarked it went away for good.
Tip 1 delete any old bookmarks on your phone.
Tip 2 confirm you are going directly to community.windowcleaner.com
NOT windowcleaningresource.com
give that a try and let me know how it goes, please.
Ah! I think that’s it. My icon that I saved to my home screen on my iPhone was from the old forum address.
Fitting the menu bar on one line, it looks like the culprit has been found.