Sorry a bit off topic, newbie question…what is fabrication debris and what does it come from…and why the obvious hate for it lol (you can tell im clueless about it).
Don’t mean to be a jerk, but… here goes:
Excellent video, thanks for the link.
What do you use to remove the concrete splatter? I bought a bottle of Fields remover years ago but never ended up using it. I also got away from steel wool but this thread is making me think I should pick it back up again when needed. Just using scrapers & magic erasers currently. But a question I wondered has been, what is a good alternative to scraper on tempered glass for paint overspray? We encounter that more than anything & my go to has always been scraper for the speed but there has definitely been those scary moments of FD sounds that have stopped me thankfully because I know the sound. But that’s been a bit difficult to teach a helper what to listen for or to have to try and teach them when to & when not to use. So maybe I just need a better training system??