As a window cleaner and/or business owner what would you say are your highest priorities moving forward?
Is there anything you would have set as a higher priority from the start now looking back?
As a window cleaner and/or business owner what would you say are your highest priorities moving forward?
Is there anything you would have set as a higher priority from the start now looking back?
My highest priority is keeping my employees busy. I seem to stress at times when a large customer delays due to anchors certification or something else and I’m looking to be stuck with a week gap. I do fill it with over flow work or something comes in but the stress in keeping them busy to ensure their paycheck, this is something I don’t ever want to put them out on. I feel I sold them on a fulltime position and my word to them is very important. As i respect the work they perform for me, I likewise respect them.
I take great responsibility to ensure my commitment as an employer.
Higher priority in the beginning should have been knowing more about deductible expenses such as benefits for my company’s premier employee (that would be me).
overdo any marketing effort . it really forces you into unknown territory ,raises you quickly onto the next level
my first few years i carried out a crappy marketing effort -and got crap results!
then one xmas i homeprinted 25k flyers to take my mind off yet another xmas that i didnt see my kids - and promised myself that in Spring id deliver every frickin one of them. it worked! and i doubled my business that year
I’d have to say my highest priority moving forward is refining my schedule such that I can fit all my highest paying regulars in and still get a day off here and there.
Looking back I might have figured out a better way to manage my schedule such that I still enjoy a great income without the stress of a jam packed schedule.
It’s all about refining my schedule right now.
I want to destress my career and still be paid well. I want to learn to enjoy my life instead of stress out over finding work and paying bills.