How do you fire clients?

Exactly well said " seeking the inch when I’ve giving the mile." I like that.
So now your going to raise the price. what do you think they will seek for then, but hey I’m making more money. " No Thanks ".
I don’t need more money I need peace :).

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Well said.

[MENTION=167]Steve[/MENTION] you have a spine and a professional approach. Problem solved.

To be a business owner and have a problem saying NO. What a conundrum. It sucks. I have been there. Especially when you are starting out or in some weird transitional phase after one of life’s many many curve balls.

The one thing to remember in business. “Business is Business.”

I’ve been lucky in the sense that anytime I’ve had to ‘tune up’ a cust…
They have laid pretty low.

I’ll chalk it up to ‘they wanted what they wanted’
and take some partial blame for not going there/straightening shit out sooner.

You are asking the WRONG GUY!

I’ve been at this way too long, I changed my model years ago.
Two words: “Eggs” and “Basket.”

There are plenty of ‘Up & Comers’ here, who want to ‘specialize in [I]high end[/I] this or that.’

  • good luck to ya.

Don’t get me wrong, I’m not a hypocrite, I’ll work for anyone…
But I know and have ran far away from that one single person, who has total control of, weeks of my time.

Hampton Inn?!? :smiley:

Sorry, I’m a little behind in your response time…

I had a totally different response, until I read this.

Are you saying you can’t handle the job?

Thank you, I just meant that I’m really far removed from where I was.
Like asking an alcoholic if they want to go ‘have a drink.’

It’s more an introspective joke… sorry.

I really haven’t had any customers that bother me so much I get rid of them. This may be because I’m new, but I already know which ones I won’t be doing next year.

I’ve been thinking about this, and my approach will vary based on scenario. I’ve never had any personality conflicts, but when people want services for free, I tell them what the up charge will be. I’ll dust a mezzanine vase for free, but will charge for mirrors, chandeliers, shower glass etc. I’ve said “when you order a meal at a restaurant, do you expect the appetizer and drinks to be on the house?” That was an extreme scenario though.

Actually, the super sarcastic male clients annoy me. I put up with them, unless they undermine my occupation. I just don’t give them a reaction, because that’s what they’re seeking.

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If you don’t think you can handle the job, why are you worried about it?!?

I’m guessing it’s because you are focused on/overwhelmed by the total $ amount.

Say it’s $15k…
So find yourself 15 cust at a grand each, give them proper service, one that you can handle…
And you are all set.

Plus, you won’t be waiting around for ‘Mrs $15k Princess’ (controller of your destiny)
to actually approve/turn in the invoice.

Because trust me, she ain’t no prize when you are waiting on a fifteen thousand dollar check. :rolleyes: