How does this website look?

I’ve been reading posts on here since last year and this is my first post. I’m trying to work on my SEO but I know the first step is a good website and I’m curious on input about how my site looks? This is my main site, and I am out of Gig Harbor, WA

and this is where my google ads go
(I know there is any annoying white line I need to get rid of, I am working on it!)

Thanks for any input!

My wife is a graphic designer, she thinks your website looks good and has good flow.

She said one thing she feels is that it lacks personality and that photos specifically featuring the crew or owner might help that.

Thank you for the input! I definitely agree with you there, I have a couple of pics with guys in uniforms but it’s probably half of them and the rest are stock images. I was thinking of doing a photo shoot day but keep putting it off but hearing it from someone else just shows I need to do it asap.