How hard do you push?

Today, I experimented with using proly about 1/2 the pressure I was previously using for my wfp. It made everything so much easier. Not only could I go faster, it was nearly effortless (compared to the workout it had been before). In fact, it was actually pleasurable. I think it’s very easy to overdo it with the wfp and I’m still trying to find the sweet spot as far as agitation and pressure.

I know it’s kind of tough to describe, but how much pressure do you try to exert?

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For me it’s mainly about keeping the pole on the glass at height. At 3+ stories, you’re more concerned with keeping the thing from getting too squirrelly.

Next, try not using too much pressure with your squeegee and let the rubber do the work. If you have to press hard, time to change the rubber.