How often do you do your storefronts?

Weekly after the first cleaning ( we charge more for 1st and take the time to make the windows ready for Weekly Maintenance)
When you hit them every week its faster and you able to set the ROUTE work days up to be faster. You should also be able to pick up some new accounts when the area stores see you weekly. I just picked up 4 Pizzerias cause they owner kept seeing me weekly working in that area. He said he saw me more then his Regular cleaner :grinning:

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I dont . i kind of feel weekly is a bit much(foot traffic dependin) but alot of business i can see doing bi-weekly. Tho im not against weekly. ha

Usually if it isn’t a food establishment bi-weekly or monthly



I like monthly. I’m not totally a route guy…yet. So my route jobs often serve as a filler around residential jobs to make a full day of work.

Because of this, I like having the ability to shift the route jobs a couple days early or late and it’s really no big deal. 1st of one month, 3rd of the next, makes little difference.

Weekly jobs, that habit might be a bit of a problem unless the job was big enough to take precedence and build the rest of my day upon it.

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Weekly jobs sux


Agree. They are nice at times for the consistency and income. But weekly can cut you flexibility down for sure.


Weekly jobs pay the expense all year long even dead of winter. Also I have my breakfast /Lunch picked out by whom I’m doing that day. :yum:
I set up 2 dedicated days for route work 2 days for Residential and Friday for fill in or any pickups and relaxation. The boss (The wife LOL ) likes to shop on Friday so I planned I can go shop with her while canvassing that area. Best of both worlds.


I like weekly stops!


I just like like flexibility especially during busy season.

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Those weeklys better be high paying gigs cause otherwise your losing out on more profitable work by spending all your time in one place.

(Sorry mr.maintenance man. I cant do your thousand dollar job because moms pop store is my weekly. They pay my bills)

Highest frequency I go is biweekly and I’ll only add them if it fits right into my schedule. I prefer monthly and biannuals

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As often as we can get them to agree to.

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They usually aren’t

Hence the lack for luster on my part. Not sure I really want to see any of my customers once a week anyway. Lol. They’re cool. Just not that cool