How to softwash a million pound property

So this guy is the father of soft washing?

I remember when I was like 17 and the guy I was working for went to the local hardware shop bought 2 bottles of weed and feed, then on the way back to his car, opened them up and poured out the contents.
We then arrived at the job where he told me to rinse them out and fill them will chlorine and a squeeze of soap… Whalha a soft wash system for $6, you can run 2 at a time off the customers water, he made heaps from no equipment.

But in all honesty it takes much longer to rinse with whats in this video.
in 24 years of house washing I have never needed to cover plants, but I’m down streaming which seems thats not the case in the video as it seems a franchised product from the video.


Reference to ‘Granddaddy’. Somewhere in all industries one person can sometimes be credited for bringing something to the masses. It was the McDonalds brothers that dreamed up the notion of FAST FOOD as a business model, yet if it was not for Ray Kroc, McDonalds would not be what it is today. There is nothing wrong with franchises when they make the franchisee and company lots of money, with systems, and consistent quality and training and support. Now franchising is not for everyone, it’s actually not for me. But I have no problem with the franchise model either for obvious reasons.

Reference ‘franchise’… Softwash Systems is less of a franchise more of a business builder from what I understand. You buy the machine and training, they support you as a member. In the USA I believe they push big organisations towards Softwash Systems and its members so that they get the call. For Softwash Systems to do that they spend 10’s of thousands of dollars at the right events to ‘showcase’ their systems and therefore there members. Cont.

… members being customers that have bought the products.

Reference ‘takes much longer than the video to rinse’ … that would be a boring video. The videos we make are informative and entertaining (hopefully) at the same time. I prefer shorter 3 min films but for obvious reasons the time scale is not going to fit a real job, right?

A million lbs…that’s one heavy property.

