How was your year?

That’s great Alex!

I have learned a few things from you last year in the power washing setup department.

Actually my biggest gross and net profit jobs last year were the siding cleaning/power washing/window cleaning combo jobs.

Here’s to another 25% growth year-on-year.

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It will require cutting back significantly on window cleaning. Basically, I’m trying to shift away from a strict first-come, first-serve scheduling process, to one that keeps slots open for the higher ticket jobs. We’ll see how it goes.

My gross revenue was amazing in comparison. However I ended up putting $8,000 back into the business and only walking away with 2k but I got to spend so much time with my family and I work a $30k a year job. 2018 is going to be my year to walk away with $10k in my pocket to put a down payment on a house! Sick of giving away so much money for rent!! WHY DIDNT I START THIS BUSINESS WHEN I WAS 12!!!


As of today we have 56% of guys having earned more than last year by design.
If that is the wish of the rest of us let’s make a plan today and work that plan.
I will put up this same poll at year’s end and wouldn’t be surprised to see 70% or more in the “earned more by design” category.
Thanks all for your participation in this poll. It has been a real source of inspiration for me.


I’m doing. The same thing, I was a bit loosey goosey 2017… this year I’m buckling down even more.

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I’ve only been dipping my feet in the year. Still working at my full-time job for FiSH. However, this year was definitely good. I found a lot of things that don’t work so well for marketing, and I found some things that do work. After I get my tax return this year I plan on really diving in with a mix of the things that work. Overall I only did about $1200 business this year, but that was in the span of 2 months, and I only advertised for 2 months, and it was $1200 more than I did last year. I feel like 2018 is going to be a good year, if the Lord wills.


The important thing is that you put yourself out there and try things. Do what you can, get as much information/advice as you can and go with it.

You will try some things that are very successful and some that are not.

Try different things and see what works for you, your location, your style.

Everyone has an opinion, use those to see which ones might work for you. None are right or wrong but just may work better for certain individuals in certain areas.


@thorSG1 I hear they like a hand written nice note and chocolate, but that’s only speculation from other people I’ve heard are in your shoes… :wink:

We did more than last year but I was surprised (more so disappointed) because it was less than I’d set some goals for.

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