Does anyone know if regular Blogging still benefits a website’s SEO (Understanding it’s simply one of many factors). Thanks!
Blogging works if done right. Things have changed dramatically though. Gone are the days of being able to push out a vague 300 low-quality key word stuffed post.
Blogging works today if:
- You put out high-quality, relevant copy
- Written for humans, not spiders
- 2,000 plus words.
- It has to be something people will actually find real value in
- The page has to be structured right ( meta )
- Bonus points if you include imagery, video, and infographics
If you do that you will rank insanely well. If you don’t your just wasting your time.
This is no easy task with a window cleaning business. It can be done, and you should try. But so much thought and time need to be put into it.
The big questions is… what are you going to write about that your potential customers will find helpful. Its hard with a service business like window cleaning.