Is window cleaning really that tough

The reason is its REALLY easy to do once you have mastered the technique, it isn’t like many jobs where is a task to complete, but when I first started back in 94 I was not taught correctly (and there was no you tube back then) I really dreaded large jobs as I spent a lot of time detailing errors.

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When I first started window cleaning, my friend’s father had me go to his home every day for 2-3 weeks and clean his sliders for an hour or two a day. Then, about a month later I was able to do some homes. Nice guy, he got me started here.

Then I went to work for another guy who lived a few streets from me who had about 700 residential accounts and had been in business for 30 years or so. I was low man on the totem pole. I will never forget doing a cut-up house and I only had 4-5 sections done and they did the rest of the home. LOL, he goes up to me and says “Now I KNOW (my friend’s dad) trained you…OH JEEZ” LMAO. Great guy, LEARNED so much during that year.

Went to work for current employer in '05, and it was a whole new ballgame (24 foot stick work, WFP use, SALT SPRAY and how to clean windows when half the Atlantic ocean is on them, etc, etc…)

I love cleaning windows. I took a little bit from each and every employer, and add to my business techniques and cleaning. But it took me a while. Now I carry a 22" squeegee to bed with me, LOL.

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For window cleaning both my hands are equal, they both perform a function at the same time, always moving, and I do squeegee with both hands. It should be taught this way to all newcomers in my opinion.