Just a test

Just testing if I can post. I can’t tell if I’m signed in or out of the Forum or see if I have messages.

Maybe you can’t really post, and I can’t really see it, but we are both living in a delusional alternative to reality.


Mobile works for me to change my password

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Mobile works for me to change your password too.


is someone posting…i don’t see it!

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I’m 32 years old. I can eat a chicken sandwich if I want.


“i reject your reality and substitute my own” not said by trump but could have been!

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I like Adam Savage

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mee tooo!

What were we talking about again? Oh yeah, testing. I flunked outta high school at 16.

The teachers said I’d never amount to anything. Now I earn three times more than them. Lol


Millennium hand and shrimp

I like cheese

@Garry are you getting all this?

By this post we can confirm you are logged in. yes? Have notifications returned for you?

Yes, and no on the desk top, but yes on mobile.

You are the one with the dullest squeegee blade… GOOD BYE! JK JK