Landed second big commercial job for a school!

Hello fellow window cleaners!

First off I must thank you all for the invaluable wisdom that you shared with me on pricing my first ever big commercial job doing some units.

This second job I’ve landed is a local school that’s just recently constructed some new buildings and will need their glass cleaned!

All up I’ve counted 150 Panes of glass not including the 5 bays of louvres high up which will need either scaffolding already on site or a ladder which I have. (15 louvre panes all up). Seeing as this is looking like it’ll will be priced as a construction clean, you can see here is a fair bit of gunk and sticker residue both on the inside and outside of the glass and they would like me to clean INSIDE and OUTSIDE. I was told that the buildings would be pressure cleaned before I arrive which would get rid of most of the gunk on the windows but I’m working on it as a worst case scenario clean.

It’s separated into 4 different buildings (each one has a different colour scheme, that being green, blue and purple) There is also another tin building that only has glass on the inside for an office setup.

What would you price it as from your area as a construction clean up?

<img src=“/uploads/defau<img src=”/uploads/default/original/3X/4/6/468d428888df558ecd4a448ff269e97d45ec466b.jpg" width=“690” height=“388”>lt/original/3X/2/d/2df98d088056345213341911a92c3f13b01e7b33.jpg" width=“690” height=“388”>




1 million bucks! One and Done.


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