Lost a 8500 account today:,(

Lost a $8500.00 account today because I could not get to it monday:,( biggest account ever won and lost in one week…
What your biggest account ever lost?

So they wanted this massive job done the next business day ?

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Details? Why couldn’t you on Monday? I’d probably make sure it happened


Win some lose some. Yeah. On a job worth that. I would make time…

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Ouch… I’m no where close to that.

Sorry late on the story. I’m in Seattle and i have been doing some construction high-rise window cleaning for some company and he wanted it done next week ( I’m finishing up one right now) and it’s 30 day net I can’t afford to pay the guys if we all dedicate time to this one job and I Gota keep the company going. So I asked for a week but he said that’s to late. So ya that’s the story.

Maybe time for a line of credit at the bank if your able to score these type of jobs to float you

How the hell is that guy gonna find a company with all the right certs and everything to get it done that fast? Just go with the next bidder?

2 years ago awarded a 25,000 annual outside only hospital complex. 1 week later couldn’t commit to the 3 year contract as I had a back surgery come up and fired a higher skillef employee. Only left 2, lesser skilled employees to do the cleaning of all rope descent work on short notice. I felt it best to pass rather than get a bad reputation. It is up for bid in a few months and I’m in a good place to take it on.


That sucks bro, could you have started the job yourself and then bought enough time that way. That’s what I would’ve done and have done before.

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Happens to all of us in business at some point.I lost a solicitors company (they had 3 buildings side by side)I done there windows for years.Turned around to me and insisted that anchors be put on all windows.I said no problem but they would have to pay for them to be installed which they refused point blank.Buildings are also listed buildings so i also told them they had to make sure they got the necessary permission or at least make sure it was okay to have anchors installed by the council.they would nt.I walked away…still do offices for other companies on the street (one next door) and they have never had there windows cleaned since!!windows are embarrasingly filthy now,feel sorry for any clients that go into there offices now!!

I can see a couple of lessons here to be learned.

1 Who wants to work with UNreasonable people? This doesn’t sound like a project that you can squeeze in some odd day of the week. Sounds like a involved project.

2 If you have employees, you should keep at LEAST several weeks of wages stashed away in case you run into issues like this. 8500 is a big chunk for any window cleaning company to lose out on.

3 Maybe your price should have been higher than the 8500, if they expect you to drop everything to service them at their whim. Projects like this are usually planned out months in advance. I know my commercial accounts are. Most of mine just ask for a reminder a week before, so they can send out notice to employees about us coming.

Yeah ive been in this situation before. In fact it is one of the reasons why I got out of highrise ccu. They never quite know exactly when they are gonna need the windows cleaned and by the time they do its last minute and they cant wait because the project (every construction project) is behind schedule. I quit doing construction cleanup because my schedule was too full (with better jobs) to throw wildcards in there. Thanks but no thanks. Construction cleanup is good when you have a lot of guys that need hours, or youre slow otherwise, but there is just too much good-paying easy glass out there and believe me it is not hard to get.


it wasnt so big ,[ £80 monthly] but it was my biggest ,a care home. We hated doing it, high ladderwork but hohum its money. Then one day the handyman emails me thats hes going to do it -hes undercut me-but can we come back if he doesnt work out??

yeh rite!! i blocked his number and email and thats us off the hook !


Beers for all, we got fired!


No where that big, but I lost my biggest residential house today. I am still playing with pricing. I mean, I have it down pretty good with a closing rate of about 80-85 percent. I tried to go higher with a house of 34 double hung storms, almost 1600 cut ups with just over half of them in the double hungs; 12over8’s and so on. Oh and gutters. I didn’t go as high as I have seen but I went higher than what I normally do. Clearly, I know where my company and I stand at the moment. And, I’m ok with that, but it does hurt to lose this one…just a bit! Good office experience but no play! I like to play!!!

Lesson learned.