Major Client Issues... Need input!

I get where you are coming from and we all understand the frustration when you first start.

The best form of advise I can give you is not to tell you what form of advertising works for me or him or whoever…

Think about WHO your customers are, and how they look for someone to perform a service.

The only way to know is to ask.

When you are there and speaking with them, observe what they say in the course of the conversation and you will be able to come home with many observations as to the type of client who hires you.

Listen intently.

When someone calls you, document everything. Have a script, “and how did you hear about us?” write it down, because that is what is working. Be detailed. Date. Day. Weather, etc. Over the years you will see a pattern. Adjust accordingly.

You can try anything, some will work some won’t, but I assure you what works for me may not work for someone else.

Think about what a client wants to and needs to see and hear in order to decide on you.

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Thats for commercial , i just showed an example estimate

I hope everyone understands that people need to trust you coming into their homes so I believe as much information as you can give them the better a simple door hanger makes you a simple solicitor I like to go a step further and become a personal friend. That’s why I say client and not customer and I’ve been referred to as the rookie on here quite a bit, I currently have churches and four schools on contract for this summer, upwards around 6k total profit with only those not counting residential

Nate, I considered whether or not to write what follows because I’m getting the vibe that the constructive criticism may be starting to hurt. I decided to go ahead with it anyway because i think getting a different perspective might benefit you, so please realize that no offense is meant.

That said, it’s all too easy to get stuck in our own ideas. While you may have great reasons for how you’ve done things, you yourself admitted right in the beginning that it’s not working. The definition of madness: Doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.

When we’ve suggested simpler cards, website, estimate sheet, etc., you are justifying why the way you have them is fine. Only you can know if they truly are. If they are getting the results you want, then perhaps you’re right. If not, however, I would recommend taking everyone’s suggestions seriously, even if it feels overwhelming to implement the changes.

For example, you mention that you include so much info to build trust. Personally, if i received something with all that info I’d be immediately turned off. I would more likely trust a company that is streamlined and seems efficient and professional. And then my trust will be further influenced by my impression of the person I’m dealing with. Again, that’s just me, but if you’re not getting responses, maybe people in your area feel similarly.

Not sure why you feel people think you’re​ a rookie, but even if, who cares? You don’t have to prove anything to anyone here. Many (including me) are rookies, and many are seasoned experts. We’re all just trying to help each other out and learn from each other. Hopefully some of the tips people have above will help you get things rolling. Best wishes!


If you want to be taken seriously, you must create a brand that gives off that impression. Take the time to create an image, no need for letters. A picture is worth a thousand words, that’s why a logo and simple business card are most effective (in my personal experience). Many prospects have thought I am a multi-crew company simply by the image I’ve tried to create.


I kind of do it the old-school way. I just use vistaprint cards with my business name, Fully Insured, Free Estimates on it with my real name, phone and email. The cards themselves have only landed a few jobs as I sometimes stuff them in the door-jam of neighbor’s homes when I’m done.

My main source of residential clients is via storefronts. I wear a tucked in collared polo with my business name embroidered on it and work at a steady pace. People will walk up to you and ask if you do homes. This is where you don’t give them a card right away. I introduce myself, ask their name, “do you live nearby?”… “Mind if i jot your address and number down for a free on-site estimate once I’m done with this restaurant?”… Call them, stop by when they’re home and be friendly. My pricing is high, so I offer exterior only, partial cleans, no egress, etc. I try to provide a professional and personable experience, which leads to referrals. Referrals are gold.

This is just how I’ve done it. I just use a facebook page, and recently put up a website, but feel it’s pretty much the same. Growth has been slow but steady. I use magnets on my car and lawn signs where I find appropriate. No fliers or door hangers yet. I guess that’s next…

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The website has too many different fonts. Choose one easy to read and stick with it.