Men in kilts new owners

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Ou, I just remember something the guy said about working at Men in Kilts. He had to push all these addon services that customers just didnā€™t want. If they had blinds you had to insist to clean those. Ceiling fans, chandeliers, tracks, etc. I donā€™t mean they would try to upsell one thing, they hit you with everything at once. No customer wants to deal with someone sounding like a used car salesman.

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Some of the franchises have been around for a few year already.

As for the up-sells, you gotta do that. Iā€™m a sucker for up-sells, come to my house to do something and you tell me you can do 10 other things, thats a good thing to me.


Thats really not that much money at all for 20%. I think they got a raw deal! I bet they could have gotton a better loan from the government!

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400k is a lot in my mind for only 20% and they didnā€™t want a loan they wanted a successful franchisor.
deals not finnished yet though they not get anything.

Iā€™m genuinely curious - have any of you been (or are currently) a franchise owner for a window cleaning business? I am also newer to this forum, so I could very well be wrong - but I would assume that the vast majority of you are not franchisees. Have is the typical experience/retention in a window cleaning franchisee?

i was a ā€œfranchiseeā€ for a year

Jim reliving got a good deal . 400k for 20% of the business . Hes going to work it hard and pump the value to $20 million then his 20% Ownership will be worth $4 million .
Then possibly sell itback to the original owners

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What caused you to stop?

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Not a bad assessment Mr. Guzman.

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One lump sum, sure itā€™s a nice chunk but 40% is a whole lot bigger than that. In my mind thatā€™s a suckers deal. Whereā€™s that 20% coming out of, I mean what part? I bet itā€™s coming out of profit.

And to answer Matt Gravesā€™ question, no Iā€™m not a franchise owner but Iā€™m buiding my outfit like it was one for sure. Systems for everything, just like a franchise.


Marketing is there focus. I was going to sell my business to them at one point. Fish if you didnā€™t know.They have a super duper sales team thatā€™s why they have grown so fast over the years and no one location has has went out of business that I know of. They must be doing something right.

Yeah. I was going down that road and bow down to the competition(meaning fish)due to the demanding of the trade and lack of good help. Donā€™t do it. Youā€™ll do better all by yourself, just have confidence and the skyā€™s the limit. I see this now. Anyways new it, but as humans we all get discouraged at times. Itā€™s natural, part of the learning process.

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