`Moerman Liquidator 2.0 Squeegee Help

Thanks for all the help!

I’ve watched a few of PolznBlade Liquidator series and they have been very helpful.

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Zach would you give me a call? 7028688847 Ron
Today the diva would be split decision. I was reminding myself of polz and bubbleguy and trad YouTube videos and prep taking myself. Watch then perfect practice.

I hate to be contrary, but I strongly disagree with this idea if you’re talking about regular brass/stainless tools being a waste.

First, I don’t believe anyone “needs” to upgrade as their skills increase. In fact, I find the opposite to be true. A higher skill level with regular tools will marginalize many (if not all) of the advantages offered by the new generation of wonder tools.

Second, I’d rather have skills with traditional tools as a foundation, even if I intend to “upgrade” later on. What happens if by some chance the plastic magic tool gets lost, stolen or broken one day? I know I can grab any crummy old squeegee off the shelf at Home Depot or Ace Hardware and be fine until a pro-grade replacement gets shipped in. Not so if all my experience is with a special zero-detail tool and I never learned how to run a regular squeegee efficiently.

OP: Basically it comes down to this - do you want to learn to drive with a stick shift? Or skip straight to the automatic?


That’s simply wrong. If you start off with and master Liquidator/Excelerator both pivoting and fixed you will be able to use anything. At the end of the day it’s just a squeegee.


I agree Eric.

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as a newbie, I get frustrated with my excelerator from time to time and switch back to my sorbo. I have found that the “plastic magic tool” actually has helped me be more efficient with with my traditional squeegee. I do still go back and forth depending on the window frame, whether it’s a home I used the sorbo on with success before or the temperature (I like the trad more on hot black glass than the moerman-but I’m getting better with the two hand method and it’s a 75-25 in favor of the sorbo at this time).
An old saying about love may well apply here: choose who you love and love who you choose. Pick one and go with it or if you’re unsure (me) test them to death.



Hey Ron Can you email me at [email protected]


Shots fired! :rofl:

Blockquote[quote=“anon35812390, post:24, topic:45887”]
If you start off with and master Liquidator/Excelerator both pivoting and fixed you will be able to use anything. At the end of the day it’s just a squeegee.

I’m not saying anybody who learns with a liquidator will be all thumbs using a standard channel by default.

But I do think there is enough of a learning curve separating the two, especially where traditional pole work is concerned, that it would be difficult to switch from one to the other for the first time during a stacked workday/week. (Worst case scenario)

All this is just to reiterate that I don’t believe it’s a WASTE to purchase standard channels for learning, even if the plan is to eventually leave them behind.

Some people never learn to drive stick, and never have to. Nothing is expressly WRONG with that. For my part, I’d rather be familiar with the old ways before incorporating the new. But that’s just my opinion. Thank you for expressing yours.

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Translation: “Manual gearbox”

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M[quote=“JaredAI, post:2, topic:45887”]
Got to learn to walk before you can drive a Ferrari.

The Ettore brass master is a Bugatti among squeegees. Used it all day today and cleaned/‘detailed’ all the frames too. Maybe I could have earned more by leaving the frames dirty but if you own a Bugatti you polish the chrome frame as well as the glass screen.




A beautifully balanced classic work of art.

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I think you meant that the Ettore brass was a model T among squeegees? The stainless is where it’s at! Get rid of the boat anchors and get on the boat!

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No I meant brass. I love the way the harder you work the more the handle shines. You can see the effort reflected in the patina.
Go to the Goodwood Festival of Speed like I do and you will understand. Everyone walks past the new Ferraris and Porsches in the car park and swarms around the real classics.


I used my ultra light carbon pole and brass squeegee all day. Cold but sunny. Lovely.

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I like the properties of stainless steel, but prefer the heritage of brass.

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I better be careful here or the 3 times to the one person algorithm may kick in… :blush:

With that statement you’re essentially saying we should all master tin buckets, cloth, sea sponge and scrim prior to moving onto the brass :blush:

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Nothing wrong with that. Despite opposing opinions we do stir the conversational pot as a duo. The trick is not to scare away everybody else while we do it haha.

Blockquote[quote=“anon35812390, post:37, topic:45887”]
With that statement you’re essentially saying we should all master tin buckets, cloth, sea sponge and scrim prior to moving onto the brass

Hey I said stick shift not horse and buggy!
P.S. I do love my scrim

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I couldn’t agree more. The problem with starting off with the liquidator is that you will come to rely on it and then think that you have t have it in order to be effective. It doesn’t mean you can’t pick up any squeegee and use it but rather you will be deceived into thinking your a good window cleaner because of the squeegee itself when you can do just as well and I would argue even better without it.

It will limit you to the use of the zero degree functionality of the tool where with a traditional style squeegee you might experiment a lot more with different techniques and tools that will be much faster in many situations.

A traditional style squeegee is much more versatile if you master it’s use and when you do, like Samuel said, you will realize the liquidator doesn’t offer much advantage and I would even say more disadvantage over all.

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Maybe! But the suggestions is this thread are for a guy just starting out. So, maybe not.

To be fair I’d say it’s a 50/50 split, and the advantage goes to whichever lines up better with your personal priorities, and the types of windows you commonly tackle.

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