I have been concentrating on commercial to this point in order to practice my skills and get some cash flow. But I got a call today from someone who wants their windows done… Very short notice… They need them done tomorrow! They are selling the house and having an open house Saturday. I work my full time job right now as well… But this is an opportunity I can’t pass up. Taking a sick day! Because doing this on short notice will make her happy and good reviews and referrals will come out of this. Plus, I will leave info about my company there for the open house. I can’t help but think that this is the moment I could look back on and say… This is the job that gave me the ultimate freedom of working full time for myself! The best part is, it’s exterior only and a simple small two story home… Perfect residential to cut my teeth on!
Nicely done! Hope the outsides aren’t too dirty
Looking at the house on Google Earth… It appears to be standard double hung windows… Roughly 40 panes… It will be a good one for my first time .
Is there anyway to look at it in person so you can get a good feel for it? Or have you seen it up close yet?
I’m going to stop by on my way home from my full time job today… And get a more up close look and give an estimate…
Don’t forget to get some sleep…
Haha… After the Yankee game… Maybe lol. What’s crazy is I got another phone call for a residential I have an estimate to a few weeks ago… If things continue to go this way… With commercial and residential… I’m going to have to make a serious decision about leaving my job to pursue this business… That’s the goal, but this is happening faster than I anticipated lol…oh… And I have a radio ad starting next week and running for the next 13 weeks!.. Things might get crazy lol
How much was the radio ad? And if you don’t mind me asking how come you’re advertising if your still working full-time? You trying to land work so you can stop working the fulltime?
The radio ad will cost me about 700 bucks for a 13 week run…I can change the ad as much as I want… And yes… I plan to make this business my full time work and get rid of the job working for someone else… Between the radio ad, door knocking and other marketing…I believe I can get there by mid summer!
Got that residential done…it was a bear LOL…triple track Storm Windows…I swear they have not been done in several years. Got it done though and got paid well…it was an amazing learning experience…I took my time and learned a LOT!
I just started my business but only planned to do commercial fronts starting off. I got a phone call for residential cleaning but didn’t go through with it because I had no experience. I have no WFP setup either.
Can someone give me direction, training and pointers on how to get started in residential cleaning?
Thanks in advance
Just do it. I know, sounds simple enough, but that is it. You will learn and get better by experience. A couple of ladders, squeegees, poles, and other window cleaning equipment is way less expensive than water fed pole systems. Learn what it takes to clean windows. What if something happens to your WFP system, and that is all you have to clean windows? You are sunk. New, starting out - walk before you run.
Great advice!..that’s exactly what I did on my first Resi. Turned out to be old windows with the 3 track style Storms,but I dove in and learned a TON.I felt empowered after that job. @SwiftSwipe Take the advice from @Garry and jump on it…you will have zero regrets!
How much was the radio ad? For what market?