Ninja Channel Modification [Luke the Window Cleaner]

James: There is a private forum on WCRA that has dues. I bet you’d like it. More talk about building window cleaning empires over there. :sunglasses:

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Anybody wants to modify their own equipment, have at it. One way innovative ideas come to light and benefit the rest happens when somebody takes an existing product or idea and tries to improve it.


Some say “If it ain’t broke don’t fix it”
I prefer “There’s ALWAYS room for improvement” :sunglasses:


Can you post a picture of the channel from side so it shows how much you dog eared it?
Thanks Mike

Just a tad

I’m with you there Luke. I hate buying stuff and seeing money sit in a box. Either put it to use or sell it. I’ll try this before I think of selling stuff. Once it’s gone I’ll end up needing it. :+1:t2: