Had a one off customer yesterday say I couldn’t stop by to clean the windows because there was a water pipe leak and I couldn’t get any water. Told her that I come with all needed supplies including my own water. Today she paid me and said I did a great job for not having any access to water. Huh?! Explained again that I keep a 5 gallon jug of water in the van and use my own water to make my soapy solution, and that it is very rare that I run out of water and need to use the customers supply. She looked at me like I was an alien unicorn with magic skills or something…lol I think she may still think I cleaned her windows without water. Whatever, price goes up nest time because waterless window cleaning is a more difficult service and there is a charge for that.
I had a transplant from New York ask me about that as well. I guess in different areas guys fill up their buckets in the kitchen or something.
Next time upsell her on the dihydrogen-oxide solution. It’s sort of dangerous and kills a lot of people every year and it’s the #1 green house gas causing global warming, but man, you just haven’t seen clean windows until you get the DHO treatment.
…I thought everybody did that…
Sine day 1, I thought everyone brought their own tools.
Actually I am picking up a garden hose for my screen cleaner as I have run into jobs where there is no hose to be found to hook up to, or the spray nozzle is stuck on it. Just something else I have to load into the van.
So, unicorns are aliens? That would explain why they are so hard to see.
Freaking NYers
I always use the customers water, as well as their ladder and squeegees. Maybe that’s why business has been slow this year…most people don’t seem to have squeegees.
Lol some people are just a bit slow! But if you get a chance to upcharge then so what
Yeah, but they moved to New Mexico. We’re already a screwed up state so they can’t do much damage. Oh, they were one of my lesbian customers. The one lady would tip, the other one wouldn’t. So depended on who was home that day.
I’m thrifty too. Customers used to give me their newspapers and vinegar but nowadays they get their news off the internet so they want me to use vinegar and their mobile phones, which I kind of enjoy. Mobile phones are surprisingly easy to close out with and I listen to podcasts.
Yeah, but the news is now fake news and it leaves streaks. Not to mention the smell of bovine excrement.
Ah, the smell of bs in the morning. My tv has been collecting dust the last couple of months.
no that smell is trump mixed with @TheWindowCleanse solution
Actually the smell is lingering from all the $h!t that was spewing from Hillary’s mouth mixed with the garbage being put out by CNN.
I just fill my bucket from the bidet.
Oh bidet water, there is a charge for that.