Today, I received my first swivel handle! I have never used one before up to this point and man do I love it! I purchased the moerman excelerator and a 10" and 14" liquidator channel. I have the FLIQ for the 14". I went over to a vacant store and practiced until I had it perfectly down. I flipping love it. I also used the paper clip trick from Polzn. I know you guys know the tool already and what it can do! I just had to share the excitement
So it’s 27 days later how are liking the tool so far, are you using it daily?
I love it. Since I purchased them, I have only used these tools. I like the different angles and the mobility with them. They have helped a lot with detailing the edges. I do get some streaks as I am learning angles in the real world but for the most part I am having no problems.
I don’t use them daily as I am trying to balance family time with two jobs but I use them every time.
Right now I have 2 restaurants during the week and then I have been picking up 1 or 2 residential jobs on the weekend.
Tomorrow I get to try out my new 36 and 18 ninja channels and handle! The 36 should help cut down time but maybe not the first go because I am sure there is a learning curve with them.
Thanks for asking
i just recently got the excelerator handle with 18 inch liquidator and fliq pad. it’s a definite learning curve but so far i like it. would love to hear your feedback on the ninja channels. one thing i need to do it buy another handle because im really starting to hate changing back and forth between my 18 and 30 inch.
Are we talking about using these tools commercial, primarily?
@JWilliams that’s awesome that you grabbed the liquidator. I love that tool. I need to pick up an 18 inch liquidator as well! I really found good rhythm this morning using the liquidator.
As for the ninja channels, they are great! The 36 inch has good consistency when it’s held properly. I will need more practice with it. Especially for getting the “feel” of corners and the sides. The 18 inch is just amazing. The weight and consistency is incredible. I used the liquidator a lot today for my edges and then fanned with the 18 ninja or used the 36. Fanning is super easy with the weight of those channels.
I think all I need now is the 18 inch liquidator and FLIQ pad and then I won’t need to buy tools for a bit. I’ll have a good variety!
I bought a squeegee holster with a D ring, painted it and set up my belt so I could either have my 36 sitting behind my back horizontally or I had it vertically through my front loop. I also changed my boab to my left leg which worked nice for me as a right hander. I’ll post my boab in the boab thread
@VisionJarred I bought the liquidator for both residential and commercial. I purchased the ninjas to help cut some time on the restaurants that I currently have.
2 handles would be great! I can see that getting annoying.