Olive branch

Your experience is a good example of why a waiver is a must. They could be FD scratches or they could be preexisting from any number of other scenarios. Let us know how it works out for you.

I am curious as to why you scraped to start with. What was on the windows that inclined you to scrape? It is likely that it has been on there before, and others have scraped before you. Personally, I wouldn’t scrape unless there is a reason and a signed waiver.

If you didn’t use a scraper, then the scratches were there before and they may be looking for a sucker to repair or replace the glass for them. Another reason why we need to have insurance, too.

Good to see you are right on top of it! Sorry to see you going through this, but thanks for sharing your story with us. We can all learn from this.

We can all learn from it!!

That sounds like a plan. I like it. I wonder if there is a FD brochure/handout in the WCR library. I am also curious if anybody does a history check on new clients’ homes. Does anybody ask who cleaned the windows last? When? How old are the windows and have they had issues before?

How do we know what those windows look like beneath the dirt?

Standard GL insurance won’t cover damage to windows upon which one is working.