One person

I am too Skip. I also don’t fall into the trap of letting one customer trying to set the rules. Why let someone steer the bus who will bail when it hits the curb?


I offer a 10% discount for monthly, bi-monthly or quarterly for exterior-only service. Most choose quarterly, but I have a few monthly customers too. Most of the high-end homes in my area have Pella windows, so exterior-only service is easy and it’s an easy sell. I would rather do 5 exteriors in an afternoon than 1 or 2 in & outs.


I love exterior only cleanings. Especially on the larger homes. It is a win win for both of us. I get off earlier and they save some money. Works great!


I don’t mind in/outs. Large homes pay nicely, and if it is an active family, i.e. kids and pets, then the finished product always looks worth the money spent.

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Do you have a lot of people who do 4x a year? We only have 2 customers that want more than 2x a year. We don’t have any monthly and no one has ever asked for it.


I have about 40-50 quarterly or more-frequent residential customers. The key is to make the offer.


Now thats what Im talking about…sweet.

thats money in the bank! :sunglasses:

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That is very impressive! Majority of my clients are twice a year.

About 50-60% of my residential maintenance is quarterly. Usually a package averaged over the year for 4x ext / 1x int & an annual glass sealant. Lots of blowing dirt and not too much rain in western OK so they get dirty faster. With the sealant, between 3-6 months and they are definitely ready for a cleaning. Most need the sealant due to hard water from sprinklers. Some overspray just can’t be avoided due to high winds, so they need to be protected. Ive restored quite a bit of glass that’s been damaged. I really enjoy it, especially after getting a great result & then getting paid from a very satisfied client. :laughing:

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I’m assuming you guys doing the 4x year residential exterior are using wfp…right. Are the customers leaving the screen off? How are your winters…how long is your residential season?

Traditional clean; year around work in Florida; if customer removes the screen I don’t get to charge for it. :wink:

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Just now doing a bit more with waterfed but alot of my homes are single story or only have a few 2nd story (loving that) so traditional works well. Also with the sealant after the 1st quarter I usually have to wipe a very light haze after squeegeeing but I have a fast 3 step process that keeps me around 1-2 min per window. Also on many panes I have to scrape off light deposits. But the sealant works excellently and they come off easily. Weather is up and down in OK but my quarterly round that I cover in 2-3 weeks, are done in Jan/April/July/October.

This last round I made more use of my diy trolley and definitely will be utilizing it more in the future.

I also get alot of my clients to remove their screens completely because most never open their windows due to all the dirt and then they get to enjoy the most from their clear view…:ok_hand:

I try to let my customers know to store their screens part of the year when they never open their windows, and put them back up for that nice time of year when everyone opens their windows. A lot of folks never open their windows but keep the screens up anyway. Okay, I charge for that. :slight_smile:

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