Paper fliers

Just wondering, do you put the card in a envelope? Or just us the blank area to write the address in? Do you look up a potential name or send them “current resident”?

Thanks for the feed back. I tired a bit of this late last year but didn’t have any results to speak of, I’m interested in your methods. I am planning to give this another go in the next couple weeks.


just the postcard, postcard stamps are cheaper than letter stamps.

i don’t put anything. just the address


That is my story. My first flyer was a strip of paper with 3 sentences of info on it. I gave out 300 of them before I created a 8 x 11 flyer on my own computer. 8 yrs later…8 team members and 3 vehicles.


Thanks so much


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I found hand writing an estimate on the card was really effective. I also recommend paying money and having it professionally designed. Unfortunately it took me years to realize I am not a professional designer. Would you expect a carpet cleaner to do a good job cleaning windows? Obviously not.