Plumbing my pressure washer buffer tank

Here’s a nice solution to getting your 1" hose connected to your pump:

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So I wanted to give an update on my system, and I’m posting here because I learned some things that are relavant to the discussion above.

I bought one of these float switches:

And installed it about 3" above the output of my buffer tank.

I (shortsightedly) bought a blue 55gal drum for my buffer tank. I’m installing an external gauge on it tomorrow (in the form of bulkheads at the top and bottom with a section of clear tubing in between- very low tech). But I doubt it will be visible from very far away. So the float switch provides some real peace of mind.

Here’s how it needs to be installed: disconnect one of the leads coming from the igniion on/off switch on the machine, and wire the float switch in series with that connection. So one wire will connect to the ignition switch lead, and the other to the disconnected end going to the machine.

You want the float switch positioned so the float drops below the switch body when the water level drops. The float should be horizontal when the water is at a safe level.

I tested the current going through the ignition switch, and it turns out to be a very low current (like 50mA or some tiny amount like that). So a relay isn’t needed to protect the reed switch.

Very good suggestion, Buzz. I have already been thinking about this as a future upgrade, and I’ve set it up to make it easy to add another hudson float valve.

I have Banjo camlock fittings on my input and output ports. So it would be a simple matter of drilling another hole in the lid, and installing the 2nd float valve on a down-tube. Then when I know I have plenty of flow on-site, I can switch my input over to the lower valve in a matter of seconds. So instead of filling up to ~50 gallons, it would stop filling at ~20.

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Can you by chance give me the links to where i can get all of these things needed to plumb my tank.

Could you please make a list of all the attachments you used? I want to make this build. It looks perfect for my smaller trailer. Thank you

This is a fairly good guide. Some of it is overkill. You can learn more on the sister forum to this one.