Preexisting Conditions Waiver

Mr. Chinn,

Do you have a Waiver on your Proposal/Receipt and how is it “more” professional than having a separate one?

Ok, so I got a number of responses (PM’s and such) asking to see my pre-existing conditions waiver. So rather than try to mail it to everyone I figured I’d put it on here and anyone can use the wording or change it a bit for themselves. After all I got much of the wording from Dejay at Simply Glass as he posted his wording once before on this post…

So here’s what my waiver looks like. It’s just at the bottom of my proposal/contract sheet. It’s a two-piece carbon copy form.

I haven’t had anyone question it’s wording or necessity yet. Not that it’s perfect legal mumbo-jumbo or anything, but hopefully it covers most issues we window cleaners run into everyday. Hope this is helpful to all who don’t currently have a waiver. :smiley:

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Thank you Shawn,
We’ve never had any waivers. But there’s more people, they just trying to take advantage of others. I had one lady that was trying to tell me that i broke a seal in her window by using sponge and squeegee. I’m putting waiver on my contract now

Where can I ge a waiver including pre-existing damage?

is a blanket waiver that covers all contracted work between client and contractor, now and in the future. It is binding upon all representatives, assigns, and employees of both client and contractor.
It is understood by the client that the contractor has no responsibility to repair, make whole, or in any way be held responsible for preexisting conditions with the client’s windows, gutters, light fixtures, siding, or soffits. This includes (but is not limited to) non functioning pulley and weight systems, damaged IG (insulated glass) seals, painted shut windows, broken (cracked) glass panels, preexisting scratches, missing gutter hangers, improperly nailed siding, loose soffit materials, or electrical shorts in lighting fixtures.
Client understands that work will not be performed without a signed copy of this waiver for the contractor.

How many window cleaners use those kind of waivers on every job?
I understand the reason for using them on older homes or other types of contractors before you (blown seals, scratches, etc.) but to do that one every client seems kinda of over kill to me, anyone else?

I have them sign a damage waiver for fabrication debris if they ask me to use a blade on the window.

I never even cary on my tool belt a blade, that way I cannot be blamed for this kind of damage at all because all that touches the glass is cloth material and rubber because that’s all that should be touching the glass unless your using a damaged piece of equipment, am I wrong here?

Trust me, I’m learning like the rest but if I’m wrong, I want to learn. :slight_smile:

F’in window cleaning professional!