Professional Window Cleaners Unite for a Good Cause

Good morning family!
I’ve been meaning to post this thread for a while now. Wanted to share with you guys something I’ve been working on for the last few months. One of my accounts; The New Children’s Museum of San Diego, a non-profit organization that has been inspiring creativity in children, will be getting some TLC from San Diego’s top professional window cleaners for no charge.

My outfit, Elite Window Washing, has been cleaning the windows there at the museum since they moved in to the building which was made for them (last 4 years). The building itself is one of the few museums that are LEED certified. The architect, Rob Quigley, (who is also the architect of the new San Diego Library in downtown) designed the building to work with nature using natural light and doesn’t use any type of air conditioning or heating system. It’s a pretty awesome building.

Every single year the project needs to be completed IN ONE DAY. That means a minimum of 6 people have to work this site in order to make that happen. 6 people and a very very long 13 to 15 hour day.

We ALWAYS made it happen. Every single time. At the end of the day- we all hate each other, think the person next to us is a blithering idiot and want nothing more than to sleep for the next 3 days. Don’t get me wrong, it was good money. Very good money.

Why the change, to do it for free?
In 2011 my outfit did things a tad differently. I always did some research on everyone who asked for an estimate, at least the commercial estimates. When I had our customer care manager do the research, one of them was the museum because every year a new estimate needs to go out. This was just after my son was born. She asked me: “why are you charging so much?” I almost told her to go home!
She has no idea what is involved with cleaning this building at all. What she said next though disarmed me:
“Did you know how cool that place is? What they do for our future?” No, I didn’t. I read up on their site, and told my now good friend Reggie at the museum: “Big Reg, next year we’re doing it for free. Sound good?” Well, here we are coming up on that year. For the first cleaning I thought it would be cool to have some good friends in on it to have some fun and get a great letter of recommendation for future work on like sized projects.

Those involved are: Myself (Elite Window Washing), Brian Crowder (BC Window Cleaning), Trevor Saunders (Clarion Window Cleaning), Noe Contreras (Sky High Window Cleaning), Justin Weiss (Glassworks Window Cleaning), Mario (Aloha Window Cleaning), and last but not least David Makin (San Diego Window Cleaning).

(By the way guys, I need those additionally insured certs done asap)

This is going to be a day to remember for sure. If you wish to donate to the NCM, here is their site.

More info on the window cleaning at NCM
More info on the donation

Good for you guys, you should have some positive karma coming your way.

Good Luck and enjoy!

If you need some help, let me know. Awesome by the way guys.

By the way, I never would have met most of these guys if it wasn’t for wcr. Thanks guys for giving wcr to us!

Makes me wish I was in SD. I would certainly help!

Thats awesome of ya Tory!

That is super cool!

Awesome Tory!

Tory, what a great thing to do! If i was out near you, id lend a hand :slight_smile:

Thats awesome. Not only are you great people for doing that, but you also get to give back with what we love doing… window cleaning!