Profitable Months vs UnProfitable Months

I always keep it in the back of my head and keep a couple extra thousand for the winter time but have not set a % aside. However I like that idea so I’m going to start doing that today. I already have 15% automatically taken out of my deposits for taxes but I think I’ll do another 15% for winter savings as well.


ours is 27%

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A little slow right now…

2 months at loss Jan and Febuary
3 months at break even March, August, and Dec
7 months at profit.

12 months profitable, some are slower but all have been enough.

so you set aside 27% of revenue into winter savings from April until thanksgiving?

that’s some serious discipline, I like it

I think for those of you in harsher climates the peak seasons are super peak compared to milder climate areas

Do you set it aside all year? And do you set a percent aside for taxes as well?

Years back I calculated an annual demand cycle

the + and - % are based against the annual median


what happened in july?

it was right at the median, not above or below

keep in mind this isn’t $, but demand, based on calls in and not including recurring


@Bruce @Deanswc
Actually as of this winter we are starting to put 27% of all sales into our winter fund account year round. We work our accounting off percentages. Similar to the Profit First Model… except we have been doing it before that book came out :grin:. For taxes we are currently at 6% this year. That seams low but we dont separate withholding taxes from our labor account. If you added that into the mix it would be around 10%. We also plan out our expenses and have a good idea what tax write-offs we are going to have so we subtract that difference from our tax account.
It was some serious discipline at first… but I am telling you it has been the healthiest thing we have ever done for our company. We know where we are at, at all times financially. When unexpected hits happen they are not as bad. When good times happen its just icing on the cake. We are also able to forecast “growth milestones” in our company. For example if we want to add another full time year round position, we know exactly how much sales have to increase and how its going to effect our profit margins.


July was horrible for us this year