Anyone have any suggestions both for the holder and the blades? Very disappointed with mine. The blades rust like crazy and get stuck in the holder, which itself is low-quality and difficult to use.
Seems most small handle and the cheap blades do that no matter the brand, they are cheap to buy so pick up a few when your there buying other items.
I like these
Pull the blade out with a pair of pliers (don’t risk getting cut) after the job is done so it doesn’t rust in. A squirt of WD40 will loosen it up if you forget.
i was just gonna say plastic is a better choice for the handle
I’d rather not have to do this if possible. My 6" blades last for ages (I’m talking months with pretty much no rust) and i was expecting the 2" ones to perform similarly. If there’s a brand out there that lasts like that, I’d buy it even if it’s more money.
If not, I guess taking the blade out after each job is my best bet. Thanks for the advice!
I used to use the 6" but saw some scratching with them. I use the 2 inch judiciously and just swap out the blade often. The unit will rust, so WD 40 or GT 85 spray on it.
Every am here
Hey Mike do you have a link for those ?
Titan Mini Razor Scraper (32967)