Residential Construction Clean

Construction clean
Wet window, use 0000 steel wool to remove lighter debris, use razor to remove tougher debris, re wet window, squeegee and detail edges/ frames. Clean track


I gather you were not looking for criticism?

Give me what you got, we all have things to learn.

I’d be interested in your input.

Good lord I hope you had them sign a scratched glass liability release brother. The surfaces must be thoroughly cleaned before you even think about using a razor, let alone steel wool. And that is if you even can use abrasives. Debris currently on the glass surface can be trapped between and irreparablely damage it.

Have you tried out magic erasers and Sparkle? They are way more labor intensive but you can charge upwards of $200 per hour to fix the mistakes of others.

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Concrete is a tough one . I would point this out in the estimate and have the waiver signed. There is always a very good chance the window may be scratched in removing concrete. If this is a home I was just sent to if you have a builder that you regularly work for I would snap a photo and send it over with the invoice. We do a lot of ccu and our builder knows the drill.

The only thing I was gonna say is you may want to switch to a smaller channel to gain a little more precision.
The 1st window you squeegeed you left a 1" 1/2 gap from the bottom frame most of the corners ot the other panes are missed.
You spend a lot of time detailing.

This was for a builder that we do 3 homes a month for the past 16 years


Appreciate the feedback, if you have Precision issue when using a larger squeegee more than likely you would still make up for that time with fewer swipes on the piece of glass possibly

Fewer swipes with more detailing, every time you wipe that detail towel over the glass you are causing a spot that is different to what the squeegee zone is, there fore what is going to happen, maybe not be immediate but it wont take but a few days to become very apparent, the dust will fall and stick to those areas very quickly and show up a difference that will be similar in appearance as a wet rag mark.
This is the main reason i will only detail up to 2-3 mm of the glass on the edge if needed, if the middle or somewhere close to needs attention I will re squeegee the whole pane.

The only thing I was going to say, more of a question than a comment. If the windows had concrete on them or any heavy debris really. Would it be better to razor first? If you go at it with the steel wool first it would seem like you have more of a chance of trapping all that junk in the steel wool and spreading it around the window. But if you razor first with a lot of water on the glass it would seem like you could move the majority of the trash off the window to the bottom before you use the steel wool or polishing pad or whatever you are using.
I am interested to hear some feedback as I haven’t done but a couple true construction cleans. I try to avoid them.

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Joe good question, for this Builder I don’t usually scrape every window steel wool is fine. Think it could go either way scrape first or steel wool, either way you could dislodge something. There were a few spots of concrete wasnt anything heavy, the dirt was just your average construction dirt nothing big.

Was not a tempered window, if it was, more care would have been taken.

In 16 years doing 150 if these homes a year and having had no issue yet should say something to the method of scrape first or second?


Steve as far as Precision with a larger squeegee I have no problem squeegeeing within eighth of an inch from the edge fluently and don’t find myself over detailing or detailing more than eighth of an inch ever. what’s in the video is wiping some lower frames extra not glass edge.

I will offer you a challenge, post a video of you that involves a double-hung window similar to my post. Wet, two passes of steel wool, scrape, wet, squeegee and detail. If you can get it more efficiently without a doubt I’ll buy you the same size and brand squeegee, applicator and bucket on Belt that you used to do it.

Which should actually be easy cuz you have an advantage of knowing you’re trying to be fast where I was at a normal pace.

What you think?

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Your right. If you are going to try to remove concrete with out busting out the chemicals razor first after a good brush and rinse. Lube it up like your going to brown town and gently slide your mk3 stainless blade in and don’t pull back. Lift and repeat.

Unfortunately there are very few double hungs in my region and even less that require a CCU, so to compare it would be hard I wasn’t saying that your CCU technique is not good, it was fast and effective, all I was attempting to assist with was a suggestion of lesser detailing, I’m not saying with a smaller squeegee it would take less strokes however 1 extra stoke with zero detailing wins imho.

It’s not about the size of your squeegee, it’s how you use it lol